You are here: For the applicantsFunding schemesCalls to foster RDIArchived calls“OTKA” thematic research projects (K_23)
Call for “OTKA” thematic research projects
Date of announcement: 28 march 2023
Next deadline for submission:
Deadline for E-submission: 11 may 2023 16:00
11 may 2023
Deadline for application via post office: 17 may 2023
Submitter of proposal
Budgetary institution, Enterprise, Non-profit organisation
Beneficiary groups
Institution of higher education, Other budgetary research institution, Enterprise-based research organisation, Non-profit research organisation, Institution of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH)
HUF 13 500 000 000
Number of applications
Funds available per project
HUF 48 Mn
Project duration
max. 4 years
Field of research activity
Fundamental research
Evaluator of proposals
NRDI Office
The call aims to provide funding to experienced, talented and internationally acclaimed researchers and research group leaders, having outstanding publication performance and eager to further develop their successful discovery research topic. The call is to promote the progress of scientific excellence, and thus increase the international recognition of Hungarian researchers and research institutions.

Available budget

In the period 2024-2027, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation allocates a combined budget of HUF 13.5 billion from the NRDI Fund for the programme of the thematic research projects (K_23), the young researchers’ and postdoctoral excellence programmes (FK_23, PD_23) and the programme of thematic research projects based on Hungarian–Slovenian bilateral cooperation (SNN_23).

Duration of the projects

Projects shall commence on 1 January 2024, and the maximum project duration is 48 months.

Amount of funding

According to the call, HUF 48 million for a maximum of 48 months can be requested for each project. If the duration of the project is shorter, requested funding should be decreased on a pro rata temporis basis. Apart from remuneration and related taxes payable by the employer, certain tangible costs are also eligible, as well as overhead costs and costs of acquisition of scientific information and Open Access publication, both 10% of the direct project costs. The implementation of K type projects may involve participating researchers, technical staff and students. The earliest date for reporting costs is the project start date specified in the funding agreement.

Submission of applications

The NRDI Office enables applicants to submit their applications exclusively electronically. In this case, the documents required in Chapter “K” of the call to be submitted by regular mail / with electronic signature must be signed electronically as specified in Chapter “K” of the call and attached to the application on the Online Application Portal by the deadline for electronic submission, that is, by 11 May 2023 at 16:00 (CET).

Please note that all documents required to be submitted by regular mail / with electronic signature must be submitted to the NRDI Office in the same way, that is, either all such documents should be submitted by regular mail or all of them should be submitted electronically with electronic signature.

In the case of submission by regular mail, the submission is successful if the proposal was finalised electronically by the applicant and approved by the head of the host institution by the deadline for E-submission, and the documents required in Chapter “K” of the call were submitted by regular mail to the Customer Service of the NRDI Office by the deadline.

In the case of electronic submission, the submission is successful if the proposal was finalised electronically by the applicant and approved by the head of the host institution by the deadline for E-submission, and the electronically signed versions of the documents required in Chapter “K” of the call to be submitted by regular mail / with electronic signature have been submitted through the Online Application Portal.

All applications must be submitted in English irrespective of the field of science. Applications in Hungarian are only allowed on the basis of prior approval (so-called Hungaricum permission, to be requested not later than 14 April 2023). In the case of K type proposals submitted in humanities and social sciences, bilingual research plans may be submitted, regardless of a Hungaricum permission.

Eligible applicants

Principal investigators can apply jointly with the host institution which has to be a Hungarian based

  • higher education institution, research centre, research institution, budgetary institution or an institution thereof having legal personality that qualifies as a research and knowledge-dissemination organisation under Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014;
  • business company which has at least two completed business years, maintains double-entry accounting that qualifies as a research and knowledge-dissemination organisation under Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014;
  • non-profit organisation that qualifies as a research and knowledge-dissemination organisation under Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014.

Throughout the entire implementation period the principal investigator shall be employed by the host institution under an employment contract, civil service contract or other contract aimed at performing work.

No more than one proposal may be submitted to this call as principal investigator, and FK_23 or PD_23 or SNN_23 proposals are not allowed in parallel. Grantees of K_22, FK_22, PD_22, ANN_22, SNN_22 projects and grantees of Forefront (KKP) projects with starting date after 31 December 2019 are not eligible either. Further “OTKA” type grants may be awarded in the future, however, submission of such proposals is not allowed in the first 24 months of the K_23 implementation period.

K type projects can be implemented also by consortia.

Eligible objectives and actions

Project proposals can cover discovery research in any field of science, regardless of thematic priority, if otherwise the application meets the conditions laid down in the call. Those actions are eligible which aim to achieve the key objectives developed on the basis of the research and work plan specified in the proposal, and set out in the research project plan submitted to the NRDI Office.

Customer service contacts:
phone: +36 (1) 795 9500

Personal appointments (pree-booked only): H-1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna sq. 1. (2nd floor)

Customer Service hours of operation: Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m to 4 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 12.00 a.m.

2023 winners of the “OTKA” call for thematic research projects (K_23)

The “OTKA” call for thematic research projects (K_23) was open until 11 May 2023 for promising researcher-initiated basic research projects in any field of science without thematic priorities.

This year 690 project proposals were submitted with a total funding request of HUF 28.71 billion.

The call for curiosity-driven research projects initiated by researchers in any field of science enabled 183 new projects to start this year with a total amount of funding of HUF 7.5 billion.

Project proposals were reviewed by anonymous reviewers against the criteria indicated in the call notice, with the involvement of expert panels and specialised scientific councils. The Deputy Secretary of State for Innovation, acting on a proposal from the councils responsible for decision preparation and as designated by the Minister for Science Policy Coordination, has decided to support 183 research projects, distributed by discipline as follows:

Field of science
Number of submitted proposals
Number of funded projects
Total amount claimed
(in HUF thousands)
Total amount awarded
(in HUF thousands)
Council of Humanities and Social Sciences 197 51 7 338 539 1 891 551
Council of Physical Sciences 181 52 7 701 986 2 115 290
Council of Complex Environmental Sciences 125 31 5 314 977 1 266 172
Council of Medical and Biological Sciences 187 49 8 356 713 2 229 977
Total 690 183 28 712 215 7 502 990


Funding organisation: Ministry of Culture and Innovation
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 20 November 2023

Evaluation panel
Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period
Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)
Political Science, Law and Govemment Sciences 146411 Ilona Pálné Kovács: Sub-national diplomacy in the international arena (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 48 43 193
Political Science, Law and Govemment Sciences 146803 Nóra Chronowski: Decision-making of the Hungarian Constitutional Court between 1990-2026 - an empirical analysis (Center for Social Sciences) 36 35 525
Political Science, Law and Govemment Sciences 147178 Gyula Berke: The impact of European labour law on recent Hungarian labor law developments (University of Pécs) 48 47 292
Political Science, Law and Govemment Sciences 147307 Éva Jakab: Legal Identity. Law and Life in the Provinces of the Roman Empire (Károli Gáspár University) 48 45 673
Political Science, Law and Govemment Sciences 147515 Attila Bartha: INNOWELFARE: Innovations in Studying Welfare Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe (Center for Social Sciences) 36 18 329
Economics 145937 Zsófia Kenesei: Digital Humanism: Customer- centered application of Artificial Intelligence in Services (Corvinus University of Budapest) 48 41 805
Economics 146238 Balázs Muraközy: Supplier networks in Hungary (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 48 37 584
Economics 146309 Anikó Bíró: Labor market outcomes at older ages – the role of firms (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 48 47 888
Economics 146320 László Áron Kóczy: The European Natural Gas Market under Stress (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 48 39 852
Economics 146356 Judit Simon: Dynamic model of the relationship of optimized customer behaviour and firm performance in the changing omnichannel purchasing environment (Corvinus University of Budapest) 36 35 268
Economics 146649 Miklós Pintér: Games and decisions: classical and non-classical (Corvinus University of Budapest) 48 36 000
Economics 146784 Mária Csutora: Life within  the +2 Celsius limit: Making sustainable consumption inclusive (Corvinus University of Budapest) 48 47 487
Economics 146826 Ildikó Borbásné Szabó: Measuring the readiness of construction organizations for technology adaptation with using artificial intelligence (Corvinus University of Budapest) 41 40 983
Economics 146850 Krisztina Szegedi: Circular communities in the fashion industries (Budapest Business School) 36 12 480
Economics 147121 Gábor Békés: The diffusion of robotics in Hungary: A firm-level view (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 36 29 077
Economics 147233 Zsófia Vörös: The role of heuristics and decision biases in entrepreneurial behavior and innovation (University of Pécs) 48 33 630
Economics 147241 Andrea Sáfrányné Gubik: The impact of the university-based entrepreneurial ecosystems on students’ entrepreneurial intentions and activity (University of Miskolc) 48 15 847
Economics 147436 Zsolt Roland Szabó: Development of Business Context Specific Digital Maturity Models (Széchenyi István University) 48 48 000
Literature 146519 Ágnes Kulcsár-Szabó: Jókai 200. Bicentenary - Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Mór Jókai (Research Centre for the Humanities) 48 41 141
Culture 146597 János Tőzsér: The epistemic status of philosophical beliefs (Research Centre for the Humanities) 48 19 758
Culture 146780 Zsuzsa Czagány: Fragments, chants, notations. Ecosystem of music fragmentology (Research Centre for the Humanities) 48 47 998
Culture 147073 Zoltán Nagy: Crises and Everyday Strategies: Anthropological Perspectives on Social and Environmental Crises (University of Pécs) 48 46 392
Culture 147087 Sándor Hornyik: Hungarian Surrealisms. Surrealist visions and images in Hungarian visual culture (Research Centre for the Humanities) 48 43 852
Culture 147141 Tamás Pavlovits: The Origin of Experience: A History of Sensationist Constructivism (University of Szeged) 48 26 886
Culture 147170 Gábor Gelencsér: History of the Béla Balázs Studio (Eötvös Loránd University) 36 10 765
Culture 147237 Zsuzsa Majer: Textual Research in Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhist Monasteries (Dharma Gate Buddhist College) 48 47 925
Culture 147364 Emese Révész: THE "GREAT GENERATION" OF HUNGARIAN GRAPHICS AND THE ARTIST’S COLONY OF SZOLNOK A comparative research of the works of Margit Ágotha, Mihály Gácsi and Csaba Rékassy () 36 23 160
Linguistics 146393 János Imre Heltai: The promotion of linguistic citizenship through participatory research (Károli Gáspár University) 48 47 991
Linguistics 147452 Bálint Sass: Hungarian Constructicon (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics) 48 47 952
Psychology and Education 145940 Zsófia Anna Gaál: Menopause and cognitive aging: Effects of sex hormone levels on brain functioning (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 48 47 989
Psychology and Education 146237 Mihály Racsmány: From moment to the past: mechanisms of successful and failed long-term memory (University of Szeged) 48 47 928
Psychology and Education 146582 Zsolt Péter Szabó: Intergroup reconciliation in the context of historical trauma: Social-psychological interventions (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 16 068
Psychology and Education 146836 Róbert Urbán: Mechanisms of Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Emotion Regulation in Coping with Stressful Life Situations (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 880
Psychology and Education 147025 Helga Dorner: Ecosystems view on internationalization at home: Understanding faculty, student and staff perspectives within the university as an organization (Eötvös Loránd University) 47 46 951
Psychology and Education 147135 István Winkler: Learning structured sound sequences in early infancy (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 48 47 890
Archeology 146138 Tamás Bács: Archaeological and epigraphic researches in the Theban Necropolis (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 48 000
Archeology 146290 Klára Pusztainé dr. Fischl: Changes in Life and Death. Bronze Age Communities in Tiszafüred (Research Centre for the Humanities) 48 47 985
Society 146029 Petra Arnold-Broccati: New Drugs – New Trends – New Challenges: European School Survey on Alcohol and Other Drug Use in the Last 30 Years - ESPAD 8th Data Collection (Corvinus University of Budapest) 36 34 864
Society 146630 Margit Feischmidt: Work, values, hope in spaces of solidarity. The possibilities and limits of transformative solidarity in Hungary (Center for Social Sciences) 48 42 464
Society 146966 Csaba Csiszár: Consortional main: Social trust, participation, and perceived risks associated with shared mobility services. How to promote participation in shared mobility services in Hungary? (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 25 238
Society 147169 Borbála Simonovits: Consortional assoc.: Social trust, participation, and perceived risks associated with shared mobility services. How to promote participation in shared mobility services in Hungary? (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 22 758
Society 147292 Péter Krekó: The Anxiety Paradox in Conspiracy Beliefs in a societal context:  Under what Circumstances Anxiety Reduces vs. Increases conspiracy theorizing? (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 43 633
Society 147304 Imre Kovách: Crises, challenges and adaptation in contemporary Hungarian society (Center for Social Sciences) 48 39 639
Society 147329 Zoltán Kmetty: Digital political footprints (Center for Social Sciences) 36 28 087
Society 147571 Tamás Kolosi: ISSP National Identity&Citizenship and Digital Societies (TARKI) 30 26 580
History 145896 Ádám Alex Hegyi: In the Spirit of Abandonment and Coping Mechanisms. Cultural and Social Historical Deep Drillings for a Comparative Historical Analysis of Protestant Cultural Regions (between 16th and 19th centuries) (University of Szeged) 48 32 640
History 145924 Beatrix Fülöppné dr. Romhányi: Regional differences of the late medieval Kingdom of Hungary (Károli Gáspár University) 48 45 652
History 146698 Ágnes Tóth: Integration of the Hungarian refugees arriving from the neighbouring countries in Hungary (1938-1948) (Center for Social Sciences) 48 38 606
History 146771 Pál Fodor: Publication of the Reports of the Habsburg Envoys in Constantinople (Research Centre for the Humanities) 12 6 186
History 147251 T. Csaba Reisz: „Square Cadastre”: Cadastre of the Maps and Records of the Cadastral Survey in Hungary, 1850–1918. II. New directions (National Archives of Hungary) 48 48 000
History 147352 Tamás Pálosfalvi: The Evidence of Jan Długosz’ Annals concerning Hungarian history (Research Centre for the Humanities) 48 46 780
Earth sciences 1 145905 Réka Zsuzsanna Haranginé Lukács: The largest volcanic eruptions of the Pannonian Basin: timescale, origin of magmas and correlation on borehole and outcrop samples (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences) 48 47 244
Earth sciences 1 146962 Alfréd Dulai: Cenozoic brachiopods of Europe: taxonomic revision, evolution, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography (Hungarian Natural History Museum) 48 39 991
Earth sciences 1 147412 Piroska Pazonyi: The last analog for modern warming - Pliocene environmental and climate reconstructions by complex paleontological and geological analysis of paleokarst infills (Office for Research Groups Attached to Universities and Other Institutions) 48 32 321
Earth sciences 1 146315 Róbert Mészáros: Consortional main: Determination of physico-chemical parameters describing indoor air quality for the development of a simulation environment (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 23 764
Earth sciences 1 146322 Tibor Kovács: Consortional assoc.: Determination of physico-chemical parameters describing indoor air quality for the development of a simulation environment (University of Pannonia) 48 23 400
Earth sciences 1 147424 Balázs Nagy: Permafrost related rapid environment changes in the temperate Andes () 48 47 981
Complex agricultural sciences 145879 Imre Majláth: The role of reactive carbonyl species in the abiotic stress response of crop plants (Centre for Agricultural Research) 48 47 821
Complex agricultural sciences 146087 Éva Várallyay: Investigation of virus reservoir role of weeds growing in agricultural and horticultural crop fields and natural habitats (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) 48 48 000
Complex agricultural sciences 146292 Zsuzsanna Ördögné Kolbert: Inducing plant fungal resistance by reactive nitrogen species liberating nanomaterials (University of Szeged) 48 47 715
Complex agricultural sciences 146300 Tibor Levente Csorba: Mechanistic understanding of transcriptional regulation of heat stress response in Brassicaceae (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) 48 48 000
Complex agricultural sciences 146653 Judit Dobránszki: Epigenetic changes in the in vitro culture of Malus x domestica (University of Debrecen) 48 47 952
Complex agricultural sciences 146663 Attila Kereszt: How do legumes choose their symbiotic partner from the sea of eligible soil rhizobia? (Biological Research Centre Szeged) 48 48 000
Complex agricultural sciences 146865 Ádám Solti: Essential transition metal recycling in plant cells (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 48 000
Complex Spatial Sciences 146585 Norbert Pap: Consortional main: Hungary and the Western Balkans (University of Pécs) 48 23 964
Complex Spatial Sciences 146586 Zoltán Hajdú: Consortional assoc.: Hungary and the Western Balkans (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 48 24 000
Complex Spatial Sciences 146833 Ákos Jakobi: Consortional main: Territorial aspects of the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis in Hungary (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 21 898
Complex Spatial Sciences 147032 Hajnalka Locsei: Consortional assoc.: Territorial aspects of the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis in Hungary (HÉTFA Research Institute) 48 17 760
Complex Spatial Sciences 147547 Melinda Jászberényi: The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the dynamics of tourism spatial use (Corvinus University of Budapest) 48 47 593
Plant and animal breeding 145907 Vilmos Soós: Entangling the involvement of DWARF27-like carotenoid isomerases in strigolactone and ABA biosynthesis in model plants and barley (Centre for Agricultural Research) 48 48 000
Plant and animal breeding 146094 Mihály Dernovics: Effect of selenium-containing feed additives on the selenium speciation of milking cows' saliva (Centre for Agricultural Research) 36 36 000
Plant and animal breeding 146328 Zsófia Bánfalvi: Exploring the regulation of tuberisation in cultivated potato varieties (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) 48 47 928
Plant and animal breeding 146808 Balázs Harrach: Diversity and molecular evolution of adenoviruses, comparison with co-evolved DNA viruses, possible animal health implications (Veterinary Medical Research Institute) 48 36 480
Plant and animal breeding 147019 Gábor Galiba: Impact of different Rht gene mutations  on light quality dependent regulation of seedling vigour and stress tolerance in cereals (Centre for Agricultural Research) 48 47 984
Plant and animal breeding 147342 Károly Penksza: The role of extensive livestock husbandry in sustainable turf management in the context of the fight against impacts of the climate change (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) 48 48 000
Ecology and evolution 145933 József Lanszki: What can a single species tell about environmental changes? A multidisciplinary evaluation of an apex predator, the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) () 48 47 988
Ecology and evolution 146137 Csaba Tölgyesi: Global to local scale challenges of ecosystem restoration (University of Szeged) 48 31 992
Ecology and evolution 146358 András Táncsics: Mining the microbial dark matter of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated subsurface ecosystems (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) 48 44 632
Ecology and evolution 146526 Marianna Biró: From long-term trajectories to short-term habitat changes: country-level analysis and modeling of grassland and wetland habitat changes (Centre for Ecological Research) 48 47 820
Ecology and evolution 146628 Tibor György Magura: Do the landscape-scale effects override the local, patch-level effects on urbanization-driven changes in arthropod biodiversity? (University of Debrecen) 48 47 998
Ecology and evolution 147500 Attila Hettyey: Behavioural mechanisms enhancing survival during epidemics: social distancing and self-healing in the ectothermic amphibians (Centre for Agricultural Research) 48 47 946
Ecology and evolution 147527 Gábor Vasas: Metabolomics of cyanobacterial blooms and bloomcontrol (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Physics 145904 Balázs Sándor Pozsgai: Ergodicity breaking in quantum many body systems (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 820
Physics 145927 Tamás Vértesi: Certification of quantum networks (Institute for Nuclear Research) 48 48 000
Physics 146096 Ágnes Vibók: Strong-field dynamics and conical intersections (University of Debrecen) 48 47 596
Physics 146156 Péter Nemes-Incze: Investigating topological, correlated electron systems in layered van der Waals materials (Centre for Energy Research) 48 47 452
Physics 146736 Róbert Juhász: Modeling of many-body systems (Wigner Research Centre for Physics) 48 39 237
Physics 146913 I. Gábor Veres: Consortional main: Experimental investigation of the strong interaction in the CMS Collaboration (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 18 786
Physics 146914 Ferenc Siklér: Consortional assoc.: Experimental study of strong interaction in the CMS collaboration (Wigner Research Centre for Physics) 48 18 186
Physics 147048 József Molnár: Consortional assoc.: Experimental investigation of the strong interraction with the CMS (Institute for Nuclear Research) 48 11 006
Physics 147010 Gábor Kiss: Nuclear phenomena related to explosive nucleosynthesis (Institute for Nuclear Research) 48 48 000
Physics 147131 Tamás Borkovits: Investigation of dynamical and astrophysical phenomena and interactions in the rapidly changing gravitational field of multiple stellar systems (University of Szeged) 48 47 924
Physics 147380 Péter Ábrahám: Transients processes in disks setting the initial conditions of terrestrial planet formation (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences) 48 47 924
Physics 147396 Matteo Giordano: Dirac spectrum in lattice QCD in the chiral limit (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 728
Physics 147409 György Tóth: Boosting the energy of the semiconductor-based terahertz pulse sources (University of Pécs) 48 41 520
Physics 147550 István Csabai: Cosmological Large Scale Structure in the Light of New Observations (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 930
Physics 147557 Tamás Csörgő: Datataking in the CMS experiment in Run3 and analysis of ATLAS, CMS and TOTEM results (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) 48 48 000
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 145966 Balázs György Illés: Numerical modelling of microstructural formation of nano-composite solder joints during vapour phase soldering (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 47 280
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 145988 András Szekrényes: Fracture, stability and nonlinear dynamics of laminated structures with material defect (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 44 323
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 146076 Csaba Balázsi: Development of the hybrid ceramic/nanocarbon nanocomposites with novel structure (Centre for Energy Research) 48 47 880
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 146085 Tamás Bárány: Development of additive manufacturing technology of crosslinked elastomers (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 48 000
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 146158 Gergely Kristóf: Evolution of Turbulent Energy Spectrum (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 46 448
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 146236 Tibor Czigány: Development and structural investigation of 3D printed polymer composites with in-situ foamed core material (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 47 400
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 146308 Rita Kiss: From pixels to analysis: markerless sport performance on the field (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 47 940
Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences 146724 Rita Nemes: Reducing the environmental impact and carbon footprint of concrete structures (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 47 967
Informatics and Electrical Engineering 145934 Gábor Szederkényi: Analysis and control of dynamical systems with a network structure using compartmental representation (Pázmány Péter Catholic University) 48 47 630
Informatics and Electrical Engineering 145970 László Szirmay Kalos: Differentiable Modeling and Simulation in Visual Computing (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 39 856
Informatics and Electrical Engineering 146181 Péter Petrik: Manipulation and characterization of interfaces by the combination of optical and electrochemical methods for sensor development (Centre for Energy Research) 48 38 760
Informatics and Electrical Engineering 146347 János Tapolcai: Reliable Operation of Networks with Malfunctioning Nodes (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 47 839
Informatics and Electrical Engineering 146721 Péter Kovács: Knowledge-Augmented Deep Learning by means of Variable Projections (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 950
Informatics and Electrical Engineering 147225 Rudolf Ferenc: Program analysis with Large Language Models (University of Szeged) 48 47 836
Chemistry 1 146032 Anita Horváth: Production of turquoise hydrogen and carbon nanomaterials by catalytic methane pyrolysis - link to hydrogen economy (Centre for Energy Research) 48 47 509
Chemistry 1 146071 István László Lagzi: Self-organization using various mass transport phenomena from micro- to macroscales (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 47 980
Chemistry 1 146656 Péter Buglyó: Synthesis and characterization of novel, mutitargeted metal complexes with likely anticancer activity (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Chemistry 1 146661 Julianna Oláh: Light-induced catalytic activity of earth-abundant metal complexes: concepts and reactivity (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 41 247
Chemistry 1 146733 Gábor Galbács: Development of micro- and nanostructures for analytical laser and plasma spectroscopy (University of Szeged) 48 48 000
Chemistry 1 146759 Gábor Czakó: Automated modeling of chemical reaction dynamics (University of Szeged) 48 48 000
Chemistry 1 147024 Tamás Turányi: Investigation of ammonia co-combustion based on a large experimental database (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 48 000
Chemistry 1 147095 Zoltán Benkő: Radicals in Group 15: quantum chemical studies (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 47 696
Chemistry 1 147172 Robert Tuba: Development of New Generation Cyclic Alky Amino Carbene-Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis Catalyst for Sustainable Chemical Applications (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 48 46 800
Chemistry 2 146039 Gábor Mező: Extending targeted tumor therapeutic approaches to resistant cancer models (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 999
Chemistry 2 146147 László Somsák: Design and synthesis of novel types of bioactive carbohydrate derivatives (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Chemistry 2 146148 Rita Ambrus: Application of combined dezintegration and nanoprecipitation methods in modern drug formulation (University of Szeged) 48 47 336
Chemistry 2 146359 Attila Hunyadi: Food-chain transfer of phytoecdysteroids: from ecological significance to human and animal health (University of Szeged) 48 48 000
Chemistry 2 147280 Tibor Soós: Late-Stage Functionalization of Olefins via Designer Thianthrenium Chemistry (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 48 48 000
Chemistry 2 147503 Sándor Kéki: Establishing structure/composition-property relationships of block copolymers by artificial intelligence (University of Debrecen) 48 39 664
Mathematics and Computing Science 146380 Milán Mosonyi: Mathematical problems in quantum information theory (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 32 870
Mathematics and Computing Science 146387 Imre Ruzsa: Additive number theory and Fourier analysis (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) 48 17 760
Mathematics and Computing Science 146401 András Stipsicz: Smooth four-manifolds and their applications (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) 48 29 640
Mathematics and Computing Science 146701 Sándor Jenei: Involutive Residuated Lattices, Substructural Logics (University of Pécs) 48 8 696
Mathematics and Computing Science 146922 Miklós Laczkovich: Real analysis (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) 48 36 480
Mathematics and Computing Science 147145 Gergely Ambrus: Modern and classical discrete geometry (University of Szeged) 48 7 796
Mathematics and Computing Science 147153 Szilárd Révész: Distribution of Primes and Integers in Beurling's Theory of Arithmetical Semigroups (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) 48 7 467
Mathematics and Computing Science 147544 Márton Naszódi: Extremal properties of geometric sets (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) 48 18 132
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 146131 László Norbert Galgóczi: Drug repurposing according to mechanism of action of an antifungal protein to inhibit Candida biofilms (University of Szeged) 48 47 968
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 146669 Viktória Jeney: The role of endoplasmic reticulum stress, calcium mobilization and loss of Keap1/Nrf2-dependent cytoprotection in vascular calcification (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 146873 Balázs Zoltán Pál: Pathological aspects of astrocyte overactivation in the mesencephalic locomotor system (University of Debrecen) 48 47 994
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 147107 Gábor Varga: Molecular ion secretory mechanisms of polarized enamel forming epithelial cells (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 147173 Zoltán Papp: Mechanism of action of myosin inhibitors (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 147212 István Baczkó: Investigation of pathophysiological remodeling of atrial and ventricular myocardium in human relevant models: identification of novel therapeutic targets (University of Szeged) 48 47 996
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 147301 Tamás Bányász: Impact of Mechanical load on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling. (University of Debrecen) 48 47 700
Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Endocrinology 147308 Ferenc Fenyvesi: Targeting K-Ras expressing cancer cells by drug carrier cyclodextrins via macropinocytosis (University of Debrecen) 48 46 452
Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 146314 Gábor Tusnády: Determining the structure and interactions of transmembrane protein complexes using artificial intelligence (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 48 48 000
Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 146323 Csaba Pál: Bacterial evolution of biocide resistance (Biological Research Centre Szeged) 48 48 000
Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 146460 Máté Varga: Characterization of the cellular stress responses to defective pseudouridylation (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 47 782
Neurosciences 146077 Árpád Dobolyi: Neural control of maternal behaviour (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 48 000
Neurosciences 146086 Zsuzsanna Tóth: Investigation of the central regulation of glucose homeostasis (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Neurosciences 146117 Balázs Gaszner: How does pre- and postnatal chronic stress exposure affect the development and vulnerability of peptidergic neurons in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in models of depression and Parkinson's disease? (University of Pécs) 48 48 000
Neurosciences 146725 Eszter Farkas: Mechanisms of glial cytotoxic edema formation: New targets in drug repurposing (University of Szeged) 48 47 904
Neurosciences 147097 Balázs Hangya: Behavior-specific coordination of the cholinergic and dopaminergic projection systems during learning (Institute of Experimental Medicine) 48 48 000
Neurosciences 147337 Csaba Sőti: Learned systemic stress and immune defenses in C. elegans (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology 145994 Zsolt Czimmerer: The unorthodox regulatory function of macrophage-polarizing cytokines-activated signal-dependent transcription factors contributes to the late phase of macrophage polarization and the unique responsiveness to the inflammatory microenviron 48 47 760
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology 146330 Gábor Koncz: Exploring mechanisms regulating the immunological outcome of cell death underlying sterile inflammation (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology 146406 Levente Karaffa: Tougher than the rest: comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of acid and sugar tolerance of Aspergillus niger during high-yield citric acid fermentations (University of Debrecen) 48 47 968
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology 146911 Mihály Józsi: Role of the factor H protein family in the complement system (Eötvös Loránd University) 48 48 000
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology 147410 József Tóvári: Role of hypoxia in tumor progression. (National Institute of Oncology) 48 47 980
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology 147482 László Virág: Cell Therapy of Breast Cancer Using Genetically Modified Macrophages (University of Debrecen) 48 47 964
Immunity, Cancer and Microbiology 147510 Attila Gácser: Deciphering Micafungin Resistance in Candida auris: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understand Evolution, Fitness, and Virulence (University of Szeged) 48 47 424
Clinical Medicine 145998 Péter Hamar: Inhibition of protective mechanisms (local heat shock and stress protein production) during breast cancer treatment to enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy and hyperthermia treatment (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Clinical Medicine 146125 Gábor Földes: Changes in organotypic vasculature in cardiomyopathies (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Clinical Medicine 146732 Anikó Ilona Nagy: AORTIC VALVE CALCIFICATION FROM MOLECULAR MECAHNISMS TO CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS (Semmelweis University) 48 47 640
Clinical Medicine 146792 Róbert Bódizs: Consortional main: Sleep, circadian rhythms, and amyloid deposition: prediction of cognitive decline from sleep neurophysiology (Semmelweis University) 48 23 858
Clinical Medicine 146936 András Attila Horváth: Consortional assoc.: Sleep, circadian rhythms, and amyloid deposition: prediction of cognitive decline from sleep neurophysiology (National Institute of Neurosurgery) 48 24 096
Clinical Medicine 146906 Péter Igaz: Search for treatment predictive molecular biomarkers in endocrine tumors by the help of artificial intelligence (Semmelweis University) 48 47 752
Clinical Medicine 146929 Edit Dósa: Examination of arteries with ultra-high frequency ultrasound in athletes and patients with certain vascular pathologies (Semmelweis University) 48 30 698
Clinical Medicine 147226 Judit Moldvay: Early detection of lung cancer based on methylated DNA pattern and DNA fragmentation in blood samples (Koranyi National Institute for Pulmonology) 48 47 520
Clinical Medicine 147265 Péter Hegyi: Healthy aging after acute pancreatitis (Semmelweis University) 48 47 990
Clinical Medicine 147355 Pál Maurovich-Horvat: Changes in plaque characteristics after short-term intensified statin therapy as assessed by cardiac CT (Semmelweis University) 48 46 560
Clinical Medicine 147411 Annamária Ditta Zobor: The X-files: deep-phenotyping of X-linked retinopathies, establishment of a national patient registry and tissue biobank  as the fundamental scientific infrastructure for personalized medicine (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Clinical Medicine 147483 Júlia Szekeres: Foeto-maternal communication in pregnancy (University of Pécs) 48 45 120
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 146028 György Vámosi: Intracrine signaling of membrane receptors: mechanism, biological and clinical significance (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 146277 Arnér Set Jenő Elias: Understanding the importance of TXNL1 for redox regulated protein homeostasis in human cancer cells (National Institute of Oncology) 48 48 000
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 146634 Gábor Juhász: Molecular analysis of unconventional membrane protein recruitment (Biological Research Centre Szeged) 48 48 000
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 146744 Attila Reményi: Exploration of a new linear binding motif-based protein-protein interaction system for AGC kinases (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 48 48 000
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 146791 Szilvia Zita Tóth: Revealing the substrate specificity of chloroplastic PHT4 transporters:  phosphate or ascorbate? (Biological Research Centre Szeged) 48 48 000
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 146890 Beáta Vértessy G.: Uracil-DNA in early embryonic development (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 48 47 917
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 147109 Szilvia Benkő: NOVEL SIGNALING PATHWAYS REGULATING NOD-LIKE RECEPTOR-MEDIATED FUNCTIONS IN MACROPHAGE SUBPOPULATIONS (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry 147147 László Nagy: BACH1 acts as a pioneer repressor to shape the transcriptional and chromatin-3D landscape in macrophages (University of Debrecen) 48 48 000
Cellular and Developmental Biology 145898 László Bodai: Functional analysis of miRNAs involved in neurodegeneration (University of Szeged) 48 47 952
Cellular and Developmental Biology 146160 Attila Mócsai: Analysis of osteoclast development by a novel genetic approach (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Cellular and Developmental Biology 146364 Attila Fehér: Consortional main: The molecular control of plant cell dedifferentiation (University of Szeged) 48 35 802
Cellular and Developmental Biology 146386 Zoltán Magyar: Consortional assoc.: The molecular control of plant cell dedifferentiation (Biological Research Centre Szeged) 48 12 180
Cellular and Developmental Biology 147351 Balázs Enyedi: LTB4 Inflamapping: Deciphering the regulation of LTB4 production and tissue distribution with novel fluorescent biosensors (Semmelweis University) 48 48 000
Updated: 15 February 2024
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To ensure value-based professional evaluation of proposals arriving in large quantities from the fields of discovery and applied research and innovation, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to prepare policy opinions, the NRDI Office intends to expand its expert pool in all fields of expertise.

Professionals who have registered in the database of the NRDI Office can become responsible contributors, as independent peer-reviewers, to the evaluation process in which the professional quality, novelty content and commercialisation perspectives of the proposals as compared to the requested funding should be assessed as core considerations.

The registration process can be initiated through the registration form of the NRDI Office’s website. Registration is continuously open.

Requested data within the expert registration form include:

  • personal data, contact details (necessary for contracting review assignments);
  • classification of professional skills and competencies and research areas (to get review invitations fine-tuned to your field of expertise);
  • topics of the previously reviewed proposals;
  • present and past jobs, interest networks (in order to pre-screening of conflicts of interest in a given rview assignment), education, scientific titles, most important publications and intellectual works demonstrating your professional experience;
  • language skills.

Professionals once registered in the database of experts may be invited by the NRDI Office to review submitted proposals, to assess professional reports of funded projects and to contribute to policy opinions.

Each proposal is reviewed by several independent experts at the same time. Experts selected from the database to review proposals, to assess professional reports and facilitate expert opinions will be contracted by the NRDI Office on a case-by-case basis. When concluding such a contract experts must declare that the review assignment is not obstructed by any conflict of interest whatsoever. Depending on the competition type, written expert reviews must be prepared in 15-28 work days and submitted electronically via the online review portal of the NRDI Office.


For further information contact at phone +36 1 795 9500 or email at

The NRDI Fund’s Programme Strategy 2024 supports the implementation of the John von Neumann Programme, which focuses on connecting universities, research institutions and the economy. The priority objective of the Programme Strategy 2024 is to contribute to improving the Hungarian performance in the areas of human resources (number of researchers, number of PhD students, number of STEM students in higher education), number and share of innovator enterprises (number and share of SMEs implementing product and/or process innovation) and intellectual property (IP) (patents, trademarks, designs).

The table below shows the calls planned and launched under the NRDI Fund for the period 2021-2024 and their amounts, broken down by year.

  2021 2022 2023 2024
NRDI budget
(Bn HUF)
189,844 89,838 63,779 176,263*
  Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)
Name of the scheme/
Call for proposal
(Bn HUF)

Support for market-driven RDI projects
Support for market-driven RDI projects
2020-1.1.2-PIACI KFI
59,06     Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas
Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas
30,149 SME Focal Area Innovation Programme
SME Focal Area Innovation Programme
Fast track programme
Fast track
3,00 Fast track programme
Fast track
12,85 Fast track programme
Fast Track
2,00 Spin-off Programme: bringing research results to market
Fast track
Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,40 Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,40 Intellectual property
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
0,50 Industrial property tender
Support of activities fostering the domestic and international protection of intellectual property with the aim of facilitating the utilisation of such intellectual property
International programmes
Support for participation in the ECSEL joint EU initiative
Support for participation in joint EU initiatives
Funding for Hungarian Summer Internship programmes for hungarian university students studying in the UK, Germany or Austria
Support for Hungarian participation in EIT KIC
Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Russian cooperation
Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Moroccan cooperation
3,50 International programmes
Call for proposals: Support of Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international ERA-NET COFUND and EJP COFUND programmes
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian-Turkish cooperation
Support for summer internships for Hungarian students studying abroad
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Uzbek cooperation
Support for Hungarian participation in the applied research and development programme in Hungarian–Korean cooperation
6,00 International programmes
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support to bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperations;
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership
EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJPCOFUND and other multilateral programmes
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation
6,10 International programmes
HU-rizon Programme
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJP COFUND and other multilateral programmes
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme
Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership
EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs;
Call for proposals to foster Hungarian participation in the Horizon Europe programme and other joint programmes of the European Union
Horizon Europe Accelerator booster call (EU_KKV);
Support for active participation in international professional organisations for researchers and research managers (Networking+);
Booster call for the Teaming of Excellence 2025 call;
International cooperation in preparation.
Announced under international programmes.
(Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures 2021-4.1.2-NEMZ_KI)
  Announced under international programmes.   Announced under international programmes.   Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
Support for the use of international and national research infrastructures
            Large Company Focus Area Innovation Programme
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Innovation Venture Capital Programme
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Development of applied research and innovation services
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
Investment in the future Fund
Investment in the future
Development of an applied research network
Participation in the National Network of Applied Research Institutes
University Innovation Ecosystema
University Innovation Ecosystema
2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI ÖKO
KKV Start programme
KKV Start Innovation
2020-1.1.1-KKV START
    Centres of excellence
Establishing and developing centres of excellence
    Startup Programme
Startup Programme
        Incubator Support Scheme

Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_21, FK_21, K_21, ANN_21, SNN_21
12,90 Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_22, FK_22, K_22, ANN_22, SNN_22
13,50 Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
Postdoctoral and Young researchers’ excellence programme and Call for thematic research projects ("OTKA")
PD_23, FK_23, K_23, SNN_23
13,50 Excellence-based research funding
Call for EXCELLENCE research proposals
Call for ADVANCED research proposals
Call for STARTING research proposals
Call for proposals for research projects based on Hungarian-Austrian and Hungarian-Slovenian cooperation
ANN_24, SNN_24
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
3,00 Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
Forefront – Research Excellence Programme
New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-21-1, ÚNKP-21-2, ÚNKP-21-3, ÚNKP-21-4, ÚNKP-21-5, ÚNKP-21-6
4,00 New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-22-1, ÚNKP-22-2, ÚNKP-22-3, ÚNKP-22-4, ÚNKP-22-5, ÚNKP-22-6
0,828 New National Excellence Programme
ÚNKP-23-1, ÚNKP-23-2, ÚNKP-23-3, ÚNKP-23-4, ÚNKP-23-5, ÚNKP-23-6
0,710 University Research Scholarship Programme
(scholarships announced by higher education institutions)
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
4,894     Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Patronage Programme
Science Patronage Programme
1,00         Science Patronage Programme
Science Patronage Programme
            Research Grant Hungary
Research Grant Hungary
RGH_S_24, RGH_L_24
            Pension - matching fund
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Own contribution - matching fund
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
            Proof of Concept: development potential assessment
(Call for proposal will be announced later)
Thematic Excellence Programme

Thematic Excellence Programme 2021
(The budget includes the HUF 1 billion budget of the National Defence Subprogramme of the Cooperative Doctoral Programme (NDPCP-2021), which is closely linked to the National Defence, National Security Subprogramme of the 2021 Thematic Excellence Programme.)
    Building the Selye János Student Lab network
Building the Selye János Student Lab network
National Laboratories Sub-fund
    National Laboratories
Establishment and complex development of the National Laboratories

* The total budget of the 2024 Programme Strategy.

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