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Support to Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme (2020-1.2.3-EUREKA), funded projects, 2th round
2020-1.2.3-EUREKA funded projects, 2th round
15 December 2021
Modified: 15 December 2021
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
The General EUREKA sub-programme aims to facilitate Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme which fosters international research and development cooperation in the business sector, including in particular SMEs.

Between 16 October 2020 and 30 April 2021 five project proposals were submitted with a total funding request of HUF 334,249,902. The Innovation Board and the President of the NRDI Office have made a proposal to the Funding organisation for the funding of one application in the total amount of HUF 68,915,409.


Funding organisation: Ministry for Innovation and Technology
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 10 December 2021

Project code
Name of applicant
Project title
Amount of awarded funds

Total eligible project costs (HUF)
Site of implementation

2020-1.2.3-EUREKA-2021-00009 SimNest Aviation Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Új oktatási rendszerhez rugalmasan testre szabható repülés szimulációs oktató eszköz fejlesztése 68 915 409 106 043 289 1191 Budapest, Üllői út 206. A. ép. I. lház. 2. em
Updated: 15 December 2021
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