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Funded project in round 2 of the call for proposals "EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs"
2022-1.2.7-EUROSTARS funded projects, 2nd round
19 October 2023
Modified: 18 December 2023
Reading time: 1 minute(s)

The aim of this call for proposals, funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, is to support the participation of the Hungarian entrepreneurial sector, in particular innovative SMEs, in the EUROSTARS - European Partnership on Innovative SMEs, which promotes international RDI cooperation.

One proposals were recommended for funding in the second round with a funding request of HUF 105,272,275 by the Innovation Board and the President of the NRDI Office.

Amount of funding refers to the amount granted from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund i.e. the national part of funding only.


Funding organisation: Ministry of Culture and Innovation
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 16 October 2023

Project code
Name of applicant
Project title
Amount of awarded funds

Total eligible project costs

Site of implementation
2022-1.2.7-EUROSTARS-2023-00004 DLM Solutions Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Többfunkciós Kiszolgáló Robot Idősotthonok Részére (MuSeRo) 105 272 275 210 204 273 5000 Szolnok, Szigligeti út 2. 2. em. 203. ajtó
Updated: 18 December 2023
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