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National Research Excellence Programme – Call for SNN_24 research proposals, funded projects
SNN_24, funded projects
20 December 2024
Modified: 23 December 2024
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Managed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), the National Research Excellence Programme announced on 14 May 2024 aims to strengthen researcher creativity and excellence by supporting the implementation of promising research projects initiated by researchers, which are expected to produce outstanding scientific results on a global scale, thus increasing the recognition of Hungarian researchers and research results. The key objective of the international cooperation sub-programmes (ANN_24, SNN_24) is to encourage the cooperation between Hungarian research groups and foreign collaborative partners, thus strengthening the international embeddedness of Hungarian science.

29 valid proposals were submitted for the SNN_24 sub-programme. The total amount applied for in the proposals submitted was HUF 1,149,775,000. The Research Council of Hungary decided on the proposals at its evaluation meeting on 6 November 2024.

Under SNN_24, Hungarian researchers were required to submit their project proposals to the NRDI Office, while the foreign collaborative partners had to submit their parallel project proposals to the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (hereinafter referred to as “ARIS”).

SNN_24 is only eligible for funding if the national project proposal is selected for funding by the NRDI Office and the Slovenian parallel proposal is supported by the ARIS. For SNN_24 proposals, the ARIS notified the NRDI Office of the project proposals recommended for funding in its letters dated 5 November 2024 and 5 December 2024.

The decision on funding was made by the President of the NRDI Office granting a total of HUF 239,469,000 in non-refundable funding from the NRDI Fund to 6 outstanding research proposals.


Funding organisation: Ministry of Culture and Innovation
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 18 December 2024

Project code Principal investigator Host institution Research organisation Project title Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands
148580 Gitta Zsófia Schlosser Eötvös Loránd University Institute of Chemistry ARIS Lead Agency: Autologous blood preparations with extracellular particles and hybridosomes for regeneration 36 000 000
148581 Erika Nagy HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network Institute for Regional Studies ARIS Lead Agency: (Hidden) Industrial Champions: Origins, Features and Futures of Industrial Small Towns. A comparative study of Hungary and Slovenia 35 770 000
150561 József Kalmár University of Debrecen Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Bioaerogels for stimuli-responsive drug delivery 42 000 000
150615 János Osán HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research Institute for Energy Security and Environmental Safety Size-resolved sampling and analytical methods for identification of wood and waste combustion as a source of ambient aerosols generated by domestic heating 41 943 000
150907 Szilvia Veres University of Debrecen Institute of Crop Sciences Nano-nitrogen as a possible alternative for ecologically efficient plant production in water deficient environment 41 990 000
151010 Miklós György Keserü HUN-REN Research Center of Natural Sciences Institute of Organic Chemistry Two-photon excitement activated antibody-drug conjugates 41 766 000
Updated: 23 December 2024
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