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National Scientific Student Council is first-time exhibitor at Education Expo
11 January 2019
Modified: 07 February 2019
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This year, for the first time, the National Scientific Student Council (OTDT) participates as an exhibitor at Educatio International Education Expo, enabling it to provide future students with first-hand information and tailored advice on scientific career paths and attractive career opportunities. The exhibition features many exciting games, interactive exercises and valuable prizes, and lucky visitors will also have the opportunity to take a selfie with a tame owl, the mascot of OTDT.

By today, scientific student associations have become close-knit communities of talented, creative students interested in a research career and their mentors, and play a decisive role in raising the next generation of scientists in the entire Carpathian Basin. The National Conference of Scientific Student Associations (OTDK), which comprises 16 thematic scientific sections, is the largest scientific grouping of higher education students and benefits from substantial state subsidies. As a clear sign of success, the conference will take place for the 34th time in March and April 2019 providing an opportunity for thousands of young researchers to present their results to prominent senior scientists and peers.   

The National Scientific Student Council, which coordinates the OTDK conference, decided in 2018 to participate as an independent exhibitor at this year’s Educatio, a representative higher education exhibition organised for the 19th time and expected to attract tens of thousands of visitors. This way the organisation can provide personalised first-hand information and advice on scientific career paths and attractive career opportunities to present and future students. ‘The Educatio International Education Expo has become a central event for promoting research careers, so we considered it important to participate as an independent exhibitor this year. Our goal is to raise the awareness of the next generation of the role and importance of scientific student associations in a fun way, support them with professional advice and inspire their career choices, while providing them an insight into the abundance of scientific career opportunities,’ Péter Szendrő, president of the OTDT pointed out. 

The National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK), the organiser of Educatio, also welcomed the participation of OTDT at the education exhibition, as research activities and scientific careers are integral parts of higher education. ‘We gladly accepted the application of OTDT as they will further contribute to the impressive list of exhibitors of the 2019 Educatio. I am convinced that OTDT’s exhibition stand will attract many prospective students, as they represent one of the broadest scientific spectrum and most cohesive communities of the Hungarian higher education system. We trust that they will be a permanent exhibitor every year from now on,’ said László Murai, the new president of HÖOK. 

The OTDT stand this year will enable visitors to meet internationally successful students, find out how good a researcher they would make, and see how many things can be created from stuff around the house. What’s more, lucky visitors will also have the opportunity to take a selfie with a ‘guest professor’, a tame owl.

Budapest, 07 January 2019

Updated: 07 February 2019
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