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Parliament adopts the John von Neumann Program
13 June 2023
Modified: 11 July 2023
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
Parliament has voted in favour of Hungary’s new innovation strategy. The John von Neumann Program (NJP) focuses on linking universities and research institutions with the economy.

The Ministry of Culture and Innovation’s package of strategic actions focuses on strengthening the knowledge economy through the development of existing institutions and the implementation of new programmes. Recent years have seen a renewal and strengthening of Hungarian higher education, research and innovation, followed by a significant increase in resources. The John von Neumann Programme identifies nine actions that will contribute to the strengthening of the Hungarian economy and enable the development of the innovation pillars of a knowledge-based, high added value economy.

“The 9 key actions of the programme will put Hungarian research on an international footing and help bring innovative ideas to market. We focus our innovation investments around healthy living, green transition, digital transformation and security. We will also ensure a predictable career path for Hungarian researchers, give domestic businesses and inventors preferential treatment in patent procedures, and encourage innovation in scientific careers. We also help to raise funds for businesses that are created to exploit research results. We will create Science and Innovation Parks as a space for cooperation between universities and the economy and extend support for innovation to the whole Carpathian Basin,” stressed Balázs Hankó, State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation. (KIM) in his closing speech. He added that the adoption of the John von Neumann Programme is also symbolic, as today we celebrate the Day of Hungarian Inventors. Since 2009, we have been honouring the greatest Hungarian inventors on this day. The strategy aims to provide the conditions and the supportive environment from where Neumanns of our time can emerge.

As part of the legislative package, on its own initiative, the ELKH network of research institutes will continue its work under the name of the Hungarian Research Network from 1 September 2023. The aim of the renaming is to ensure that the independent Hungarian research network is easily and clearly identifiable by name among members of both the domestic and international RDI ecosystem, thus contributing to improving Hungary’s visibility and recognition on the international stage.

The mission of science and innovation policy is to make life easier for Hungarian people and create high added value jobs through innovative technological and social policy solutions. Progress in innovation can contribute to increasing domestic added value, which is a key economic policy objective. Through the John von Neumann Program, the government aims to move Hungary from 21st place to the top 10 in the EU and from 34th place to the top 25 worldwide on innovation scoreboards by 2030.

Morte information about programme: John von Neumann Program 2023 PDF (5 560 KB)


Updated: 11 July 2023
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