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Fulfilling the notification obligation of lenders providing convertible notes under the SME Act and the R&D Act
22 February 2024
Modified: 22 February 2024
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
Pursuant to Section 9/A(7) of Act XXXIV of 2004 on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and on Supporting their Development, a lender providing convertible notes (hereinafter referred to as “Notifying Entity”) must make a notification within 5 days of the conclusion of the contract for the provision of convertible notes and within 5 days of the date of the conversion being entered into the deed of incorporation, as specified in Section 42/J(1)–(2) of Act LXXVI of 2014 on scientific research, development and innovation.

To fulfil this obligation, the Notifying Entity must register and duly complete the form on the following website:

After submission, the Notifying Entity will receive a system notification to the e-mail address provided during registration, informing them of the fact that the notification obligation has been fulfilled and containing the unique identification number associated with the notification.

Should you have and further questions about how to comply with the notification obligation, please, contact the Customer Services of the NRDI Office at:

Phone: +36 1 795 9500

Updated: 22 February 2024
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