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Hungarian V4 Presidency
Hungarian V4 Presidency
28 December 2017
Modified: 23 May 2018
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Hungary takes the presidency of the Visegrád Group for the fifth time between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018. The Hungarian V4 Presidency focuses on the following priorities in the fields of research, development and innovation.

Setting up and coordinating a H2020 working group

The main objective of the working group is to promote the success of Central European actors in H2020 calls, to develop a coordinated V4 position regarding the H2020 programme, and to identify shared interests that allow for a coordinated action in the course of developing the next EU research and innovation framework programme. Issues to be discussed by the working group: analysis of initiatives aiming to promote participation; identification of major challenges of promoting the participation of the EU13 Member States in H2020; developing proposals regarding the content and means of the next EU framework programme; possibilities of opening up closed research / innovation networks; strengthening participation in large projects.

Continuing and strengthening international cooperation on the field of research, development, and innovation (Japan, Korea, United States)

The Hungarian presidency continues the scientific and technology cooperation with Korea, Japan, and the United States, including the organisation of joint scientific and innovation workshops, and supporting joint research and development programmes and projects. The presidency continues the V4 + Korea Knowledge Sharing Programme, the shared V4 topic for 2017/18 is SMEs and innovation.

Continuing the work of the V4 Innovation Task Force

During its period of V4 presidency, Hungary plays a driving role in implementing the innovation and start-up memorandum of the V4 countries, such as facilitating the work of the V4 Innovation Task Force by involving the business and expert sector. The Task Force aims to promote the exchange of experiences regarding national innovative SME / start-up support programmes, sharing of confirmed practices on the field of regional cooperation, implementing joint awareness raising and network building actions, and participating at foreign workshops and start-up events and fares together.


Updated: 23 May 2018
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