To support the Horizon Europe program, a network of National Contact Points (NCPs) has been established in all EU Member States – including Hungary – and associated countries whose staff play a key role in supporting the success of applications.
The main task of the NCPs is to provide high-quality, professional and free-of-charge support to potential applicants (research institutes, universities, companies, non-profit institutions, individual researchers) in line with the structure of Horizon Europe, in connection with the individual sub-programs, partnerships and missions.
Their activities include:
- information dissemination: organization of information days, information events, presentations on current calls for proposals and new developments;
- advice on the application process: organization of consultations, trainings, workshops, targeted and general trainings in connection with the application; phone, e-mail and in-person consultation;
- assisting project partner search.
Contact information of the Hungarian NCP network:
Phone: +36 1 795 95 00
LinkedIn: NCP Hungary - Horizon Europe
YouTube: Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal
Weekly Horizon Europe newsletters (in Hungarian): Horizont Európa hírlevél
If you wish to subscribe, please contact us at
Website of the HorizontPéntek10 (“HorizonFriday10”) weekly information session: HorizontPéntek10 webinársorozat
Program areas managed by NCPs:
Horizon Europe NCP Network Leader: dr. Borbála Schenk, Head of Department
Horizon Europe NCP Network Coordinator: Dóra Pivarcsiné Fekete, Head of Unit
Horizon Europe Pillar 1. Excellent Science
- European Research Council (ERC)
Gergely Bőhm (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Katalin Borvölgyi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Beatrix Borza - Research Infrastructures
Dr. Györgyi Kolossváryné Juhász
Horizon Europe Pillar 2. Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
- Cluster 1. Health
Zsuzsanna Kürti - Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)
Zsuzsanna Kürti - Cluster 2. Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Dóra Pivarcsiné Fekete - Cluster 3. Civil Security for Society
Flóra Csesznok (cybersecurity)
Máté Schultheisz - Cluster 4. Digital, Industry and Space
Flóra Csesznok (digital)
Máté Schultheisz (industry) - Cluster 5. Climate, Energy and Mobility
Dr. Mónika Józon (energy)
Barbara Kiss (mobility)
Kitti Teveli (climate) - Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Dr. Mónika Józon - Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM)
Barbara Kiss - Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail)
Barbara Kiss - Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking
Barbara Kiss - Cluster 6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Dorottya Szemere
Noémi Genzler (Land, oceans and water for climate action) - Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU)
Dorottya Szemere
Horizon Europe Pillar 3. Innovative Europe
- European Innovation Council (EIC)
Noémi Genzler - European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE)
Noémi Genzler - European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Noémi Genzler
Horizon Europe Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area (ERA)
- Widening
Orsolya Tóth - Strengthening the European Research Area (ERA)
Beatrix Borza
Horizon Europe Missions
- Cancer mission
Zsuzsanna Kürti - Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities mission
Barbara Kiss - Adaptation to Climate change mission
Kitti Teveli - Restore our Ocean and Waters mission
Noémi Genzler - Soil Deal for Europe mission
Dorottya Szemere
New European Bauhaus initiative
Dorottya Szemere
Legal and Financial NCP
NRDIO’s legal and financial NCP team only accepts inquiries via e-mail at Please note that we do not provide information on the interpretation and application of Hungarian legislation or institutional regulations, financial, tax, labor law issues requiring the application of domestic legislation, and we do not verify the correctness of individual budgets or project reports.
Co-funded programs (ERA-NETs, Partnerships)
Please note that NCP colleagues provide information regarding international calls for proposals for partnership and ERA-NET schemes. Customer Service provides information regarding domestic grant schemes (2024-1.2.2-ERA_NET, 2024-1.2.1-HE_PARTNERSÉG) and running projects (contact:, +36 1 795 95 00)
- Agroecology Partnership
Dorottya Szemere - European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+)
Dorottya Szemere - Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP)
Mónika Józon - Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe (CHANSE)
Dóra Pivarcsiné Fekete - Chips Joint Undertaking (CHIPS JU)
Flóra Csesznok - European coordinated research on long-term Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and ICT-based scientific challenges (CHIST-ERA)
Flóra Csesznok - European Parntership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT)
Barbara Kiss - Connecting and Coordinating European Research and Technology Development with Japan (EIG CONCERT Japan)
Dr. Györgyi Kolossváryné Juhász - European Joint Programme on Agricultural Soil Management (EJP Soil)
Orsolya Tóth - European Partnership fostering a European Research Area for health research (ERA4HEALTH)
Zsuzsanna Kürti - European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA)
Előd Nemerkényi - European market oriented R&D cooperation (EUREKA)
Orsolya Tóth - EUROSTARS
Orsolya Tóth - FLAG-ERA
Flóra Csesznok - Food Systems and Climate (FOSC)
Orsolya Tóth - ICT-enabled agri-food systems (ICT Agri-Food)
Orsolya Tóth - Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPI AMR)
Zsuzsanna Kürti - Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (JPND)
Zsuzsanna Kürti - Materials Science (M.ERA-NET)
Előd Nemerkényi - Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research (NEURON)
Zsuzsanna Kürti - European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (PerMed)
Zsuzsanna Kürti - QuantERA
Flóra Csesznok - Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in cancer research (TRANSCAN)
Zsuzsanna Kürti - Water Security for the planet (Water4All)
Noémi Genzler