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Visegrád Cooperation (V4)
Visegrád Cooperation (V4)
28 December 2017
Modified: 02 June 2018
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The Visegrád Group was established by Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary by passing the Visegrád declaration in 1991. When Czechoslovakia was divided into two countries in 1993, the number of members of the Group was increased to four. The main objective of this initiative is to establish long-term cooperation primarily on the field of economy, common foreign and security policy, culture, education, environmental protection, transport, energy, science, and technology.

V4 cooperation on the field of research, development, and innovation

The Think.BDPST conference

The annual think.BDPST strategy conference is organised every year by the Antall József Knowledge Centre – with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the International Visegrád Fund – since 2016. A main objective of the conference is to strengthen the cooperation between the V4 countries on the field of research, innovation, and future technologies.

Closer cooperation between the V4 countries on the field of research and innovation was launched as a result of a Hungarian proposal tabled during the Hungarian V4 Presidency in 2013. Participants work on improving the economic and scientific-diplomatic popularity of the region at regular discussion. The regional cooperation of the V4 countries also enable them to participate in joint international programmes more efficiently, to make better use of their resources, and to become more attractive as long-term partners for foreign parties.

V4 Innovation Task Force and the Memorandum of Understanding

The V4 Innovation Task Force was established by the four member countries in November 2014. The Task Force seeks to strengthen and coordinate the cooperation of V4 countries on the field of innovation. As part of its main goals, the Task Force aims to encourage the operation of V4 start-ups (through popularization and involving potential investors and partners), promote the exchange of experiences regarding national SME / start-up support programmes, sharing of confirmed practices on the field of regional cooperation, implementing joint awareness raising and network building actions, and participating at foreign workshops and start-up events and fares together. As a result of the efforts of the Task Force, a memorandum focusing on regional cooperation on the field of start-ups and innovation, and on strengthening the popularity of the innovative potential of the region was signed by the V4 countries on 1 October 2015 (Memorandum of Understanding for Regional Cooperation in the Areas of Innovation and Startups). 

Updated: 02 June 2018
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