Pursuant to Sections 25 (2), 29 and 29/B of the Act LXXVI of 2014 on Scientific Research, Development and Innovation (hereinafter: NRDI Act), unless otherwise specified in the call for proposals, RDI call for proposals financed by the NRDI Fund are checked for formal compliance by the NRDI Office, and their content is assessed by the assessment boards invited by the NRDI Office (as in clause 1.5.), including the programme management system bodies defined in Section 29/B (2). On the basis of the assessment board’s recommendations, the expert group commissioned by the Principal will evaluate and rank the proposals individually in terms of their compliance with the selection criteria of the relevant call for proposals.
Expert groups commissioned by the NRDI Office may assist the work of the assessment boards, on recommendation of the boards. Experts whose identity is not known to the applicants (hereinafter: “anonymous experts”) may also be involved in the evaluation, at the request of the president of the NRDI Office, the assessment board or the expert group. Pursuant to Section 25 (3) of the NRDI Act, a call for proposals may provide for the evaluation of proposals in a different order, including the case where the NRDI Office informs the applicants or beneficiaries of the names of the experts involved in the evaluation of the submitted project proposals after the decision on the call for proposals.
In addition, the NRDI Office shall, pursuant to Section 5 (1) e) and f) of the Government Decree 344/2019 (XII.23.) of 23 December 2019 on the National Research, Development and Innovation Office and on the designation of the managing body of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, perform the tasks related to budgetary funds for the innovation-related objectives of operational programmes, which are delegated to it by the Minister responsible for science policy coordination.
The NRDI Office performs the tasks related to the qualification of research and development activities pursuant to Section 36 (1) of the RDI Act, and within this framework, it qualifies a project upon request with regard to the activities it involves, and a project group with regard to whether the projects included in the project group by the applicant can be considered research and development activities pursuant to Section 3 of the RDI Act. The NRDI Office is entitled to call upon the assistance of experts with appropriate expertise in the preparation of its expert opinion, if the preparation of the expert opinion requires specific expertise.
The NRDI Office concludes framework agency contracts with the experts and boards members concerned to assist in the performance of the tasks. The framework for the agency contracts is provided by the following documents:
- General Terms and Conditions for contracts concluded by the NRDI Office for the performance of expert tasks under the RDI Act PDF (714 KB)
- Presidential Instruction No. 7/2024 On the rules applicable to the bodies and experts employed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office PDF (196 KB)
National Research, Development and Innovation Office General Data Protection Policy PDF (700 KB)
- General Terms and Conditions for contracts concluded by the NRDI Office for the performance of expert tasks under the RDI Act - applicable: 2 July 2024 - 21 February 2025 PDF (345 KB)
General Terms and Conditions for contracts concluded by the NRDI Office for the performance of expert tasks under the RDI Act PDF (361 KB) - applicable: 7 November 2023 - 2 July 2024