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Strategic documents
National RDI strategy
Investment in the future
National Research and Development and Innovation Strategy (2013-2020)
National Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3)
In order to achieve the objectives aimed at enhancing the research-development and innovation performance of Hungary undertaken in the National Reform Programme related to the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Government has negotiated and adopted the National Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3).
Research Infrastructures in Hungary
In order to achieve the objectives aimed at enhancing the research-development and innovation performance of Hungary undertaken in the National Reform Programme related to the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Government has negotiated and adopted the Research Infrastructures in Hungary document.
New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT)
The New Széchenyi Plan is the national strategic reference framework of Hungary that offers a basic action plan for the last 3 years of the 2007-2013 programming period.
Széll Kálmán Plan 2.0
The national reform programme of Hungary in 2012 defines the mid-term and long term aims of the government and is aligned to the EU2020 documents.
Széll Kálmán Plan 1.0
The Széll Kálmán Plan 1.0 was introduced in March 2011. As a structural reform plan its main objectives were to reduce the public dept and foster the economy growth through 26 objectives.
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