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The University of Pannonia won funding of HUF 400 million
22 August 2019
Modified: 26 September 2019
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In relation to the digital transformation of the industry, the new project of the University of Pannonia, funded under the Thematic Excellence Programme of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, focuses on R&D that promotes the sustainable development of the regional industry.

The planned Industry 4.0 developments, that are based on technological innovation and applied economic solutions, will generate increased economic and social impact at both regional and na-tional level with the involvement of business stakeholders. The funding received by the university is HUF 400 million; project duration is 12 month.

“The University of Pannonia is a key knowledge centre in the region in terms of RDI. The fund-ing now awarded will enable the university to further develop its digital solutions and thus strengthen the innovation capabilities of industrial stakeholders,” Dr. István Szabó, Deputy President of the NRDI Office pointed out at a press conference.

The experts of the university’s Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Information Technology have already contributed to a large extent to innovation projects focusing on increasing the cost and energy efficiency of electronic assembly plants and developing smart production optimiza-tion solutions. Recent years’ results show that all the conditions are present for the research groups, which have achieved significant success with outstanding basic and applied research and innovative solutions, to collaborate with the researchers of the Faculty of Economics and create a regional Industry 4.0 development model that is exemplary even by international standards.

The ongoing fourth industrial revolution aims to enhance competitiveness particularly through optimizing manufacturing processes and integrating production and logistics processes. These efforts have also changed expectations towards employees as the technological solutions replac-ing mechanical activities demand more complex work arrangements and more creativity. The project objectives include developing a digital literacy and attitude-shaping programme and training employees how to collaborate with smart technologies.

Under the coordination of Dr. István Szalai, the professional leader of the thematic field, the project is going to assess the Industry 4.0 readiness of the businesses involved and develop brownfield Industry 4.0 based solutions, while ensuring the commercialization of the research results. At the same time, the implementation of the programme can also lay the foundations for a future incubation house which would help upgrade new and existing SMEs to Industry 4.0.

As Dr. András Gelencsér, rector of the University of Pannonia highlighted at the press confer-ence: “As a member of the Industry 4.0 National Technological Platform, the University of Pannonia has significant R&D experience and capacity in the development of Industry 4.0 production processes. The institution’s track record of research and innovation achievements provides a solid background for the announcement and implementation of doctoral dissertation topics that focus on actual industrial needs.”

Veszprém, 22 August 2019

Updated: 26 September 2019
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