Funded projects under the Call "ERA-NET M-ERA.NET 2 Joint Call 2016"
Funded projects under the Call "ERA-NET M-ERA.NET 2 Joint Call 2016"
14 November 2017
Modified: 21 August 2018
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The M-ERA.NET Call 2016 was launched on 15 March 2016 with 35 participating funding organisations from 26 countries and a preliminary total budget of around 40 million €, including an EU contribution.
233 pre-proposals were submitted with a total project volume of 194 mio €. In September 2016, 91 consortia were recommended for a full proposal submission. 89 full proposals were finally submitted. Depending on national/regional budgets and rules the national/regional funding organisations finally selected 46 full-proposals for funding. The results of the evaluation are available here.
Funding was offered to innovative projects focusing on:
- Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME)
- Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
- High performance synthetic and biobased composites
- Functional materials
- Interfaces between materials and biological hosts for health applications
- Materials for additive manufacturing
Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 14 Nov 2017
Updated: 21 August 2018