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ERC_16_MOBIL, Call for proposals relating to visiting research groups supported by ERC, Round 1
ERC_16_MOBIL, Call for proposals relating to visiting research groups supported by ERC, Round 1
21 December 2016
Modified: 21 August 2018
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
The call aims to further improve the already considerable success rate of Hungarian researchers affiliated to Hungarian research institutions in ERC funding programmes, thus increasing the number of ERC funded projects in Hungary and the international reputation of Hungarian researchers and research institutions.

The call enables researchers having a legal relationship with a Hungarian research centre to do research and exchange information while spending three to four months in a research group whose principal investigator has already won StG, CoG or AdG funding. This allows researchers to gain hands-on experience in how to prepare a successful ERC project proposal and how to lead an ERC funded research group, increasing their chance to successfully apply for ERC funding when returning home.

In the first round of assessment, the following project was selected for non-refundable mobility funding from the NRDI Fund


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 20 December 2016

Project code
Name of applicant(s)
Project title
Host research organisation / ERC-project
Amount of awarded funds

Zlinszky András
LIDAR-alapú biodiverzitás és ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatás indikátorok fejlesztése országos léptékben
University of Aarhus, Department of Bioscience / HISTFUNC
3 071 000

Updated: 21 August 2018
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