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ERC_16_MOBIL, Call for proposals relating to visiting research groups supported by ERC, Round 3-4
ERC_16_MOBIL, Call for proposals relating to visiting research groups supported by ERC, Round 3-4
01 February 2018
Modified: 21 August 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The call aims to further improve the already considerable success rate of Hungarian researchers affiliated to Hungarian research institutions in ERC funding programmes, thus increasing the number of ERC funded projects in Hungary and the international reputation of Hungarian researchers and research institutions. The call enables researchers having a legal relationship with a Hungarian research centre to do research and exchange information while spending three to four months in a research group whose principal investigator has already won StG, CoG or AdG funding. This allows researchers to gain hands-on experience in how to prepare a successful ERC project proposal and how to lead an ERC funded research group, increasing their chance to successfully apply for ERC funding when returning home.

In the jointly assessed third and fourth rounds the following applicants were selected for non-refundable mobility funding from the NRDI Fund.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 29 January 2018


Project code
Name of applicant(s)
Project title
Host research organisation / ERC-project
Amount of awarded funds

Deák-Valkó Orsolya
Biodiverzitás és ökoszisztéma funkciók vizsgálata száraz gyepekben
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos / BIODESERT
3 071 000
Fekete István Csaba
Erdő talajok szén forgalmának radioaktív szén izotopós vizsgálata különböző talaj rétegekben a Max Planck Institute-ban
Max Planck Institue for Biogeochemistry / 14Constraint
3 071 000
Hosszú Ádám
A legkorszerűbb, noninvazív BOLD-MRI módszer bevezetése a vese hemodinamika és szöveti oxigenizáció vizsgálatára
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine / ThermalMR
4 037 000
Kaposi Ambrus
Setoid típuselmélet
INRIA Research Center Rennes / CoqHoTT
2 329 000
Janacsek Karolina
Az emberi emlékezet és tanulás jobb megértése felé
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London / NEUROMEM
2 223 000
Kiss Viktória
Ősi közösségek, ősi fémművesség. A közép-európai bronzkori cserekereskedelmi hálózatok értelmezése
Curt-Engelhorn-Centre for Archaeometry gGmbH / BRONZEAGETIN
2 994 000
Pankotai Tibor
Transzkripcionális csendesítés a DNS károsodások során
Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (IGBMC) / 3D-REPAIR and BIRTOACTION
4 088 000
Updated: 21 August 2018
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