The domestic contribution to participation is provided from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund under the EUREKA_16 call.
The third assessment round of the call was open until 31 March 2017. Seven proposals were submitted with a total funding request of over HUF 532 million, but one proposal was withdrawn. Three further proposals had been submitted earlier, but in lack of the assessment results of the international partner this was the first time they could be assessed on the merits. So in this round 9 project proposals were assessed, of which 7 were found to comply with the formal requirements and be suitable for professional evaluation.
The proposals were first assessed by anonymous peers against the professional evaluation and assessment criteria set out in the call. The proposals were assessed and ranked by a panel of experts based on the peer reviews.
Three proposals were not recommended for funding by the international co-funding organisation, and two failed to fulfil the domestic assessment criteria, so the Innovation Board recommended 5 proposals for rejection and 2 for funding to the President of the NRDI Office. Thus, in the third round a company and an industry-research centre consortium received altogether HUF 95.6 million in non-refundable funding from the NRDI Fund.
Prior to this, in the first assessment round of the call a three-member university-business consortium won HUF 68.7 million, and in the second round a company won HUF 62.5 million in domestic funding to implement their EUREKA project in international cooperation. Now, with the awards decisions of the third round, 56.7% of the HUF 400 million budget has been spent.
The remaining more than HUF 173 million is still available to applicants; the call is open until 30 September 2016.
Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 13 July 2017
Project code |
Name of applicant(s) |
Project title |
Amount of awarded funds (HUF) |
Total eligible project costs (HUF) |
EUREKA_16-1-2017-0002 |
DVS Központi Tanácsadó Kft. |
Bél mikrobiom alapú terápiás táplálási applikáció fejlesztése diabetes és inzulin rezisztencia megelőzése és gondozása céljából |
46 955 999 |
76 339 998 |
Országos Közegészségügyi Központ |
23 004 000 |
23 004 000 |
EUREKA_16-1-2017-0005 |
Golder Associates Kft. |
Módszertan kidolgozása és mérőrendszerek fejlesztése, amellyel az árvízi kockázatok csökkenthetők és az általuk okozott környezeti hatások mérsékelhetők |
25 647 500 |
64 118 750 |