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“Frontline” – Research Excellence Programme (KKP_19), funded projects
18 December 2018
Modified: 19 December 2018
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In the “Frontline” Research Excellence Programme announced by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, 12 research group leaders have won grants of HUF 200 million to 300 million each, of a total budget of HUF 3.24 billion, to be spent in the coming five years on creating or expanding their research group and implementing a promising discovery research project in Hungary.

31 project proposals were submitted, with funding requests of over HUF 8 billion in total. 70% of the applications (both in terms of quantity and the requested funding) were submitted from the fields of physical sciences, medical and biological sciences. Remaining applications are equally split between humanities/social sciences and complex environmental sciences. The originally announced budget of HUF 3 billion was increased as Zoltán Nusser, one of the last year's “Frontline” grantees, won an ERC Advanced Grant in the meantime, therefore his grant under the “Frontline” programme could be returned.

Funding decisions were made in a multi-stage assessment process based on anonymous peer reviews and panel evaluation, supplemented with presentations by the applicants. Firstly, each project proposal was evaluated by two to four anonymous experts, amongst them at least one foreigner, invited by the NRDI Office upon the proposal of the disciplinary panels. Based on the peer reviews, an expert group proposed by the disciplinary panels evaluated the project proposals one by one against the selection criteria set out in the call for proposals, and invited twenty shortlisted applicants to present their project proposals in person. After the project presentations the expert group made a proposal for the decision. 

Accordingly, the President of the NRDI Office resolved to fund 12 outstanding research applications with over HUF 3.2 billion in total.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 18 December 2018

Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period
Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)
Miklós Gyuranecz: Novel strategies for Mycoplasma control (Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
285 500
Gábor Juhász: Regulation of lysosome function (Biological Research Center of HAS)
300 000
Balázs Papp: Patterns and principles of metabolome diversity in yeasts (Biological Research Center of HAS)
250 365
Eörs Szathmáry: Evolution and learning (Centre for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
283 002
Ádám Gali: Quantum-coherent materials (Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
296 594
Gergely Röst: Nonlinear dynamical systems in the mathematical models of cell biology processes (University of Szeged)
240 356
László Nagy: Harnessing the healing power of macrophages (University of Debrecen)
224 580
Katalin É. Kiss: Implications of endangered Uralic languages for syntactic theory and the history of Hungarian (Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
208 296
Éva Kondorosi: Peptide effectors in plant-bacterium communication (Biological Research Center of HAS)
300 000
Róbert Horváth: Expanding the frontiers of  label-free single cell biosensing and manipulation in biomedical engineering (MTA Centre for Energy Research)
249 543
Attila Mócsai: Genetic analysis of neutrophil function (Semmelweis University)
300 000
István Katona: Nanoscale molecular diversity and neuropsychiatric significance of canonical and non-canonical forms of cannabinoid signaling (Institute of Experimental Medicine Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
299 149
Updated: 19 December 2018
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