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Funded projects under the "Call for proposals related to the bilateral cooperation call of TÜBITAK and the NRDI Office" (TR-NN_17)
11 September 2018
Modified: 12 September 2018
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A decision has been adopted on providing domestic funding to a research project implemented in Hungarian–Turkish cooperation in the framework of international science and technology (S&T) cooperation. The calls financed from the National Development, Research and Innovation Fund aim to promote research implemented in bilateral S&T cooperation by supporting researcher mobility.

In the framework of the “Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral Hungarian–Turkish science and technology (S&T) cooperation” (TR-NN_17) 12 proposals have been received until deadline. The framework had a budget of HUF 150 million, one project could apply for a maximum of HUF 36 million. The projects were reviewed and ranked by an appointed expert group. Afterwards the Hungarian-Turkish Mixed Committee advised funding 4 projects to the President of the Office.

4 projects received altogether HUF 132,000,000 in non-refundable funding from the NRDI Fund.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 15 August 2018

Project code
Name of applicant(s)
Project title
Site of implementation
Amount of awarded funds (HUF)
Total eligible project costs (HUF)
Balázsi, Csaba (Centre for Energy Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Eco-friendly AlON Processing
Centre for Energy Research of HAS, Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science
1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.
35 856 000
35 856 000
Ayaydin, Ferhan (Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Toxic Industrial Chemical Monitoring via Drone Integrated Whole Cell Biosensor Arrays
Biological Research Center of HAS, Cellular Imaging Laboratory
6726 Szeged, Temesvári krt. 62.
31 507 000
31 507 000
Istvánovics, Vera (Office for Research Groups Attached to Universities and Other Institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Assessing susceptibility of rivers to eutrophication using remote sensing and catchment modelingAssessing susceptibility of rivers to eutrophication using remote sensing and catchment modeling
Office for Research Groups Attached to Universities and Other Institutions of HAS, Water Resources Research Team
1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.
35 999 000
35 999 000
Tompos, András (Research Center of Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Development of High CO-Tolerant Anode Electrocatalysts for Reformate-Fed PEM Fuel Cells
Research Center of Natural Sciences, HAS, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.
29 248 000
29 248 000
Updated: 12 September 2018
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