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National support for Horizon 2020 SME Instrument applications (KKV_15), 6th round
15 May 2017
Modified: 21 August 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The call aims to support micro, small and medium enterprises which were positively assessed by the international expert panel but were finally not selected for funding in the first stage of the EU H2020 SME Instrument call due to lack of funds.

 The non-refundable funding of the call financed from the NRDI Fund may be used for preparing the business plan and feasibility study for the product idea which can contribute to the successful participation in the second stage of the H2020 call.
In the new round two domestic businesses received HUF 4 million in non-refundable funding, each, for their proposed projects.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 10 May 2017


Project code
Name of applicant(s)
Project title
Amount of awarded funds

Total eligible project costs

Smart Digital Kft.
SAGE - Okosszemüveg alapú megoldás az idősödő autóvezetők támogatására. A kifejllesztendő termék célja, hogy segítse az idősebb autó vezetőket, a megnövekedett reakcióidő és csökkentett látási képességekből adódó hiányosságok kiküszöbölésébe
4 000 000
4 000 000
CATHY - Catering rendszerek higiéniai ellenőrzése
4 000 000
4 000 000

Updated: 21 August 2018
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