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START-UP_13 – Building an ecosystem for tech startups 2016/2
START-UP_13 – Building an ecosystem for tech startups 2
06 June 2016
Modified: 27 June 2019
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

In 2013 HUF 2.1 billion was earmarked from the Research and Technology Innovation Fund for the establishment of technology incubators and for the operation of a reliable and well-established system of technological incubators. The competitive project funding system not only creates technology incubators and filters new ideas (sub-programmes I and II) but it also provides direct funding to tech startups for resolving typical growth-related problems, such as technology development, business development, search for investors and market entry (sub-programmes III and IV).

To participate in sub-programmes II, III and IV applicants have to acquire the endorsing statement of a technology incubator accredited in sub-programme I.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 12/21/2015

Project code
Name of applicant(s)
Project title
Amount of awarded funds

Total eligible project costs

Smart Prediction Szolgáltató Kft.
Hajtásdiagnosztikai megoldás fejlesztése
69 641 064
81 930 663
Smart Prediction Szolgáltató Kft.
Hajtásdiagnosztikai megoldás piacra juttatása
21 051 846
30 074 066
Swappear Informatikai Kft.
A Swappear automatikus reklámelhelyezést megvalósító technológia kifejlesztése és a Swappear Kft. fejlesztése.
69 615 408
81 900 480
START_UP_13-3-2015-0004 Kft.
Szarvasmarha bendő bolus és gázdetektor
39 491 306
46 460 360
Crawling Technologies Informatikai Kft.
Intelligens, szövegbányászaton alapuló web-crawling és web-harvesting szolgáltatást megalapozó technológiák és prototípus fejlesztése
68 891 445
81 048 764

Updated: 27 June 2019
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