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Support for participation in joint EU initiatives (NEMZ_15), 3rd round
28 November 2016
Modified: 21 August 2018
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The call provides domestic funding required for participation in international collaborations in order to promote the participation of Hungarian stakeholders in the following joint programmes and initiatives financed partly under the EU H2020 framework programme and partly from member states contributions:
  • Active and Assisted Living (AAL) 
  • Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) 
  • Eurostars Programme (EUROSTARS)

In the 3rd round two projects from company and an industry-university consortium received altogether HUF 307 million in non-refundable funding from the NRDI Fund.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 21 November 2016


Project code
Name of applicant(s)
Project title
Amount of awarded funds

Total eligible project costs

Semilab Zrt.
Fejlett méréstechnika kidolgozása 3 dimenziós mikroelektronikai eszközök vizsgálatára
162 710 000
574 090 000
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
A BME és a Mentor Graphics alkotta magyar nemzeti konzorcium részvétele a "Delphi4LED - A mérésektől a LED-ek szabványos multi-domain kompakt modeljeiig" című H2020 ECSEL projektben
95 170 000
224 340 249
Mentor Graphics Magyarország Kft.
49 120 000
196 991 770

Updated: 21 August 2018
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