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Territorial Innovation Platform established at the University of Dunaújváros
11 May 2021
Modified: 19 July 2021
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
Dunaújváros, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 (MTI) – The Territorial Innovation Platform has been established at the University of Dunaújváros, with the support of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office).

István Szabó, Vice-President for Science and International Affairs, NRDI Office, mentioned at the press conference that these platforms are integral parts of the universities across the country and are able to drive innovation towards businesses, i.e. offer them technological or economical solutions that make them more competitive in the markets.

This sort of knowledge is available at the University of Dunaújváros and it is the mission of the near future to make it all accessible for businesses being eager to join and innovate, he added. The Vice President pointed out that the platform is open to all and encouraged the economic players int he region to join and enjoy the benefit of knowledge and information that would enable their competitiveness.

Referring to an international survey, István Szabó emphasised that an innovative business can reach four times higher increase in turnover. So Hungary, now staying at the 23rd place in the EIS international ranking, aspires to emerge to the top of leading innovators worldwide.

This is the reason of launching innovation platforms at 9 rural and 12 Budapest universities across the country, which can be joined free of charge by large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups, professional organisations and chambers alike.

The Vice President mentioned that the platforms so far established currently have 285 members. He said financial resources are readily available for these operations: the NRDI Office spends HUF 76.5 billion for innovation and HUF 105.7 billion for research, while the Horizon Europe programme offers further 95.5 billion from European funding, and from this year’s autumn innovative businesses would also have access to the GINOP Plus funds through the platforms.

István András, Rector of the University of Dunaújváros stated they were eager to support another case of importance, being able to get involved in the activities of industrial businesses of the region as a key player for innovation. We are ready to cooperate with lots of enterprises and undertake missions of innovation as a supplier to help them become even more successful, he added.

Updated: 19 July 2021
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