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Approaching Hungarian presidency of EUREKA – A wining project with Hungarian participation at the Ministerial Conference in Berlin – press release
Approaching Hungarian presidency of EUREKA – A wining project with Hungarian participation at the Ministerial Conference in Berlin – press release
25 June 2010
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
Preceding the EUREKA Ministerial Conference on 25th June, 2010 in Berlin, the EUREKA Innovation Award was presented to the Onom@Topic+ project, which was carried out with the active participation of Hungarian Compuworx Ltd. The project was realized within the EUREKA MEDEA+ (with the theme of microelectronics) cluster, focusing on the development of the European citizenship card system and mobile multimedia applications.

EUREKA, an industrial R&D cooperation, was launched in 1985. The aim of the initiative is to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness on the world market through the coordination and connection of market oriented research projects. The presidential duties of Eureka will be taken up by Hungary, for a year, starting July 2011.

The Hungarian delegation was led by dr. Zoltán Cséfalvay, Strategic State Secretary of the Ministry for National Economy. In his address at the conference he emphasized, that the upcoming presidency presents great opportunities for Hungarian innovative small and medium sized enterprises to join into international R&D cooperations and to foster long-term strategic connections.

For more information contact:
National Office for Research and Technology
Ms. Szonja Csuzdi
Tel: (+361)484-2560

25th June 2010


Updated: 14 December 2017
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