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Everyday innovation at NIH – when your hand is the key
Everyday innovation at NIH – when your hand is the key
08 June 2012
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The very first Central and Eastern European building entry security system based on human vein scanning was unveiled last week as a result of a unique, cutting-edge technology that followed years of Japanese-Hungarian cooperation. Personal identification relying on palm vein scanning represents the latest generation of entry and access control technologies.

A person’s id is generated from their own inner anatomical-physical attributes, it cannot be copied or stolen, thus combining ultimate security with user friendly application.  The process of identification is discreet and hygienic as it does not require actual physical contact (e.g. touching a screen or interface).

The highly innovative sensor uses infrared light to scan and identify 5 million points of distinctive features within our vein structures while creating a heat map of the living tissue – the standard biometric security protocols rely on only around 10-50 points of possible identification.  The process has no negative health effects, and it is certified with the highest level of security classification, the Common Criteria.

Courtesy of this brand new technology, there are no more searching for lost proxy cards, misplaced key chains as the keys are always with us.  Due to the huge contributions to the technology solution from the young Hungarian developers, we proudly refer to it as a Hungarian innovation – more information can be found at

As reported, the National Office for Innovation moved to another office building in order to take its part in the overall Government efforts to reduce the costs of public administration.  During the planning phase it became evident, that the Office would need to have a building entry and access control security system set up and for similar past expenses, a world-class Hungarian innovation can be obtained with superior security features.  Also at least in part due to the lack of, and the consequent need to replace, proxy cards, the palm vein scanning technology offers lower long term operating costs.

At the Office we truly feel that the choice was not exclusively made on reasons of timing or economics when giving a chance to the young group of Hungarian developers.  More importantly, it is the mission and statutory obligation of our office to promote innovation, support small and medium-size knowledge-based start-ups and encourage innovative technologies with high added value.

Véna alapú belétető rendszer - Sajtótájékoztató

Thomas Bengs (Fujitsi), Dr. György Mészáros (NIH), 
Péter Györgydeák (Houdini EG )

Updated: 14 December 2017
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