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Gyula Csopaki appointed as new President of the National Office for Research and Technology - Press release
Gyula Csopaki appointed as new President of the National Office for Research and Technology - Press release
29 September 2008
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 5 minute(s)
Based on the result of the relevant tender, Károly Molnár, Minister without portfolio responsible for R&D, appointed Gyula Csopaki, CSc (PhD) of technical sciences, as President of the National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH). Priority task of the new president will be - while ensuring predictability and stability - to make sure that the efficiency of the system of calls for proposals under the Innovation Fund is increased.

One of the preconditions for the efficient exploitation of funding is to ensure that acquiring such funding is hindered by as few administrative obstacles as possible, thus procedures must be simplified, the time of funding disbursement should be reduced and evaluation should be made more effective.

To meet the present and future demands of applicants, the Office should become an agency in the modern sense. Apart from managing project funding, it should also provide different linked services. It should help enterprises to participate in calls to a greater extent.

Gyula Csopaki, who shall be responsible for the implementation of the abovementioned tasks, acquired management experience as the head of the International Directorate of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the past seven years. On top of that, he is the author of numerous scientific publications (his field of expertise is the examination of telecommunication systems and services), he has worked for several research units, been the supervisor of numerous PhD students – thus he, as a scientist-researcher and a professor, is familiar with the operation of and the challenges faced by the R&D sector. The new President considers the strengthening of research- and business-sector cooperation and the broadening of the scale of opportunities for early-stage researchers as his most important objectives.

On the National Office for Research and Technology:

NKTH is the central office under the supervision of the minister without portfolio responsible for R&D. It is the body to which the government assigned the responsibility for research, development and technological innovation. NKTH is a public body with independent budget, led by its president. NKTH promotes the creation, dissemination and exploitation of new knowledge and technology by institutional tools. The funding for its activities is covered by the Research and Technology Innovation Fund, which public funding is pumped back into the economy through its system of calls for proposals.

Budapest, 8th September 2008
The Office of the Minister without Portfolio Responsible or R&D

Dr. Gyula Csopaki
Professional CV

Areas of Specialty

  • Specification, implementation and testing of communication protocols based on formal description
  • Telecommunication systems and services
  • Signaling in telecommunication networks
  • Formal descriptive languages in infocommunication

Studies, Scientific Degrees:

  • 1989 Candidate Degree, PhD in Engineering Sciences: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), Subject of Thesis: Hardware description language aiding for recursive synthesis planning methods
  • 1987 University Doctorate in Mathematics: Budapest University of Technology
  • 1969 MSc in Electrical Engineering: Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • 1969 MA in Engineering Education: Budapest University of Technology
  • 1964 Technician of the Telecommunications Industry: András Mechwart Technical School of the Mechanical - and Telecommunications Industry, Debrecen, Hungary


Dr. Csopaki Gyula

Professional Training Programs:

  • 2001 The Internet Computing Architecture: Nice – Sophia Antipolis
  • 1995 Association of University Technology Managers, Licensing Course: Washington, D.C.
  • 1992, 1993 KAPSCH Datastar Meridian Professional Courses: Vienna, Linz

Places of Employment:

  • 2008 National Office for Research and Technology: President
  • 2001-‘08  Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), International Directorate: Director
  • 1993-‘01  BME Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics: Vice Dean, Responsible for International Affairs
  • 1986-‘08  BME Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics (and its Predecessors), Deputy Head 2000-‘08
  • 1969-‘86 MTA Departmental Telecommunications Research Group

Part-time Activities:

  • 2001-‘06 ERICSSON Hungary
  • 1994-‘95 European Telecommunication Standard Institute
  • 1986-‘93 MTA Central Office
  • 1975-‘82 Computer Technology Coordination Institute
  • 1970-‘74 Institute of Civil Engineering and Economic Computer Technology

Significant Professional Achievements:

  • 1998-‘08 Managing of the research and development of the telecommunication protocols at the High Speed Network Laboratory (HSNLab) and at the Inter-University Centre for Telecommunications and Informatics (ETIK)
  • 1995-‘00 Expert in the evaluation of switching exchanges and mobile service tenders
  • 1994-‘95 Project Team Expert (PT65) at the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETIS): Sophia Antipolis, France
  • 1990-‘95 Planning, managing and implementing of telecommunication software systems
  • 1972-‘90 Designing and implementing software systems. Participation in the development of logical analysis program systems. Managing and implementing of a new method and software planning system based on hardware description language
  • 1969-‘72 Designing and implementing a new packet switched data transmission system

Publications (in the Hungarian Doctoral Database):

Scientific fellowships, Visiting Professor Invitations:

  • 1996-’97 University of Striling, Prime Minister’s Scholarship, UK (3 months)
  • 1994-’95 PT Expert ETSI Sophia Antipolis, France
  • 1992 Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea – visiting professor (6 months)
  • 1990 Universitat Passau, Falkultat für Matematik und Informatik, Technische Universitat München, Facultat für Elektrotechnik; DAAD Scholarship (3 months)


  • 1996- Hungarian Academy of Engineering (Member)
  • 1990- MTA Committee for Telecommunication Systems (Member)
  • 1970- Scientific Association for Infocommunications (HTE)
  • 1998-’06  Wireless Personal Communication Kluwer Academic Press – Member of Editorial Board
  • 2001-‘04 Member of the General Assembly of MTA
  • 1999-’03 Telecommunications Engineering Evaluation Committee, Committee of Experts of Informatics and Infocommunications (Ministry of Informatics and Infocommunications)


  • 2002  Kozma László Medallion of Commemoration (BME)
  • 2001  Puskás Tivadar Award (HTE)
  • 2000  Higher Education Award (Ministry of Education)
  • 2000  Jubilee Commemoration Award (BME)
  • 1997  Széchenyi Scholarship for Professors (Ministry of Education)
  • 1984  Rectoral Award (BME)

Spoken Languages:
English, German, Russian

Personal Data:
Born 1946, married to Ibolya Fock, Chemical Engineer

Updated: 14 December 2017
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