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Hungarian-Brazilian Scientific, Innovation and Technological Cooperation - Press release
Hungarian-Brazilian Scientific, Innovation and Technological Cooperation - Press release
06 December 2011
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
Aloizio Mercadante, the Brazilian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation visited Dr. György Mészáros, President of the National Innovation Office on 18 November 2011. The Minister was honored to accept the invitation from a country, where the traditions of scientific research date back many centuries.

At the meeting it was highlighted that Brazil intends to send one hundred thousand students with scholarships to study at universities in countries which have strong industrial ties. The Minister considers Hungary to be among these countries. According to the Minister, the scientific, research and development programmes that exist between the two countries can form a solid basis for cooperation, which in the future will enable dynamic development in areas such as pharmaceuticals, information technology, environmental technologies, transport industry, nuclear energy and space research.

The parties agreed that in December, with the involvement of experts and universities, project plans will be developed, which will be finalized for the Hungarian-Brazilian Scientific Seminar. Aloizio Mercadante and Dr. György Mészáros signed a declaration of intent to improve the scientific, innovation and technological cooperation between the two countries.

Updated: 14 December 2017
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