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Project proposals with endorsing RDI policy opinion under the “GINOP-8.1.1-16 – Support of business RDI activities loan scheme” call, 1st round
Project proposals with endorsing RDI policy opinion under the “GINOP-8.1.1-16 – Support of business RDI activities loan scheme” call, 1st round
21 July 2017
Modified: 05 March 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

As part of the EU-financed schemes providing refundable funding, the GINOP-8-1.1-16 loan scheme aims to promote the research, development and innovation activities of financially viable, revenue-driven businesses which are unable or hardly able to get sufficient funding from the money markets. In the framework of this scheme, applicants may receive loan on preferential terms to finance the development and marketing of new, marketable products, services, technologies and prototypes with significant intellectual added value. As a requirement laid down by the Managing Authority announcing the loan scheme, applicants have to obtain the endorsing RDI policy opinion of the NRDI Office.

In this first round the NRDI Office issued its opinion for 4 project proposals with total funding request of HUF 6.8 billion. The proposals were first assessed by anonymous experts against the assessment criteria set out in the call. Based on the anonymous evaluations, the proposals were then assessed by a group of five experts with great professional competence and considerable experience in assessing proposals from the perspective of the loan scheme. Finally, the expert group recommended the President of the NRDI Office to endorse 1 proposal with a loan request of HUF 3 billion and to reject 3 proposals. Applications for funding can only be submitted for the project proposals after receipt of an endorsing RDI policy opinion.

The total budget of the loan scheme is HUF 42.19 billion. The remaining budget remains open to project proposals which first have to be submitted to the NRDI Office for the RDI policy opinion.

Requesting entity
Title of project proposal

Eligible amount of non-refundable support


Mezei-Vill Villamosipari Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Piacképes termék fejlesztés és innovációs kapacitás létesítés a Mezei-Vill Kft.-nél
3 000 000 000
Updated: 05 March 2018
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