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Project proposals with endorsing RDI policy opinion in the 1st round under the call GINOP-2.1.6-16 – Support of exportable innovative product development to foster the increase of innovation-driven export
Project proposals with endorsing RDI policy opinion in the 1st round under the call GINOP-2.1.6-16 – Support of exportable innovative product development to foster the increase of innovation-driven export
25 September 2017
Modified: 21 December 2017
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

This EU-financed scheme of GINOP-2.1.6-16 aims at promoting the RDI activities of domestic businesses in order to increase their in-house product-technology-service development activities and realise new exportable products, services and technologies as a result. As a requirement laid down by the Managing Authority announcing the loan scheme, applicants have to obtain the endorsing RDI policy opinion of the NRDI Office.
In the second round, by the submission deadline of 20 June 2017, the NRDI Office received through the NRDI Office online submission system 1 project proposal requesting RDI policy opinion with a total funding request of HUF 383.5 million. The proposals were first assessed by anonymous experts against the assessment criteria set out in the call. Based on the anonymous evaluations, the project proposal was recommended by the designated group of 4 experts to be endorsed by the President of the NRDI Office. The actual request for funding can only be submitted by the proposer to the Managing Authority when an endorsing RDI policy opinion is given.
The total budget of the call is HUF 5 billion, of which endorsing RDI policy opinions were given to 2 proposals with a funding request of HUF 868.6 million in the first round. The remaining budget will be available for further project proposals to be submitted to the NRDI Office for the RDI policy opinion in the next round as soon as the NRDI Office online submission system available is re-opened.

Requesting entity
Title of project proposal

Eligible amount of non-refundable support


Lakics Gépgyártó Kft.
Többcélú optimalizálási eljárások fejlesztése és validálása alacsony szélsebesség mellett és sziget üzemben is működő alternatív energiatermelő berendezés robusztus és karbantartásmentes üzemeltetéséhez az energiabiztonság növelése érdekében
383 502 000
Updated: 21 December 2017
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