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Funded projects of the Strengthening research infrastructure - internationalisation, networking (VEKOP-2.3.3-15) call, 1st round
18 October 2016
Modified: 07 May 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The call aims to enhance the international competitiveness of the domestic research infrastructure, to foster creating internationally competitive knowledge centres, to strengthen and widen scientific cooperation on international level. Available budget for the Central Hungary region in year 2016 is HUF 6 billion. According to the funding decisions of the 1st round published on the website of the Ministry of National Economy being responsible for the assessment and decision-making in this scheme, 9 project proposals won funding of over HUF 2 billion in total. 
Funding organisation: Managing Authority
Source: VEKOP-2.3.3-15
( searcher of funded projects)
Date of decision: 18 October 2016



Title of project proposal

Awarded funding

56 104 833

101 578 177

230 749 560

155 595 855

479 425 713

121 397 949

295 000 000

363 526 646

198 000 000

Updated: 07 May 2018
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