The aim of the Call financed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund is to provide the national contribution for Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals for European Partnerships co-funded by the EU Horizon Europe research and innovation framework programme and in which the NRDI Office is involved.
The aim of the call is to support activities for the protection of intellectual property rights in Hungary and/or internationally.
The joint research and development project of GE HealthCare Kft. and the University of Debrecen will make medical diagnostics and pharmaceutical research more efficient with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Their solution, based on Natural Language Processing algorithms, supports the analysis and organisation of visual and textual findings, which can be used to target patients for inclusion in clinical research, among other things.
The free-to-use telemedicine system developed by 77 Elektronika Kft. in Hungary is revolutionizing online remote medical services. The project, funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, aimed to personalise the treatment of patients with or at the early stages of diabetes. That’s why the Dcont® eNAPLÓ platform was created, where people with a Dcont® blood glucose meter can upload their measured data quickly and easily. These are supported by a number of graphs and statistics to help the patient’s orientation and the work of the medical specialist examining the data.
“Our grandchildren won’t even see it,” gloomily predicted the famous city-preservation TV program in the turn of the century. “We ourselves won’t even see it,” and this could well be the slogan of a modern small business in Sopron. But this is exceptionally good news: the biodegradable plastic bags they produce, made from biodegradable film, “disappear” in less than two months if composted properly. The development, supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, will do much to change the generation of plastic bags used in commerce and reduce the environmental pollution caused by packaging materials.
Join us for the 2025 edition of the Horizon Implementation Days! This is the third part about Grant Management in Horizon Europe.
Learn everything you need to know about applying to a lump sum call for proposals in Horizon Europe
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