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Cooperative Doctoral Programme for Doctoral Scholarships (KDP-2020), funded institutions
KDP-2020 funded institutions
15 January 2021
Modified: 25 February 2021
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The Ministry for Innovation and Technology, acting through the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, announced an open call for applications titled ‘Cooperative Doctoral Programme for Doctoral Scholarships’ from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund.

The Cooperative Doctoral Programme (hereinafter: KDP) aims to increase the number of employees working in the RDI segment, primarily in mathematics, science, engineering and information technology, who are ready to extend their knowledge with the latest scientific research findings and committed to making use of their expertise to the benefit of society and the economy.

The KDP 2020 call provides support to doctoral students who are also engaged in research outside the academia, thus contributing to the practical utilisation of their scientific results.

Altogether 536 applications were submitted in the application period, and after assessment against the formal requirements, 446 of them were sent on for peer review. As a result of the scientific assessment, on the proposal of the Cooperative Doctoral Council and as approved by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, a total of 246 awardees in 18 higher education institutions received scholarship, which greatly exceeded the originally planned number of 100 persons.

The total awarded amount reached HUF 8,673,399,600, distributed among the grantees, the supervisors, the corporate experts and the doctoral schools involved in the projects.

Cooperative Doctoral Programme for Doctoral Scholarships (KDP-2020), funded institutions

Funding organisation: Ministry for Innovation and Technology
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 4 January 2021

Code of institution Name of institution Number of supported projects Amount of funding
KDP-2020-01 Állatorvostudományi Egyetem 6 228 389 600
KDP-2020-02 Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 11 426 995 600
KDP-2020-03 Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem 20 574 745 200
KDP-2020-04 Debreceni Egyetem 22 850 819 800
KDP-2020-05 Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem 42 1 539 304 800
KDP-2020-06 Miskolci Egyetem 8 348 769 600
KDP-2020-07 Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem 1 20 848 600
KDP-2020-08 Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem 18 606 360 400
KDP-2020-09 Óbudai Egyetem 4 112 033 200
KDP-2020-10 Pannon Egyetem 12 475 410 600
KDP-2020-11 Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem 7 191 772 600
KDP-2020-12 Pécsi Tudományegyetem 20 758 866 400
KDP-2020-13 Semmelweis Egyetem 30 1 003 862 600
KDP-2020-14 Soproni Egyetem 1 49 078 400
KDP-2020-15 Széchenyi István Egyetem 6 262 192 000
KDP-2020-16 Szegedi Tudományegyetem 20 658 682 800
KDP-2020-17 Szent István Egyetem 16 574 769 800
KDP-2020-18 Testnevelési Egyetem 2 78 237 600
Summary   246 8 761 139 600
Updated: 25 February 2021
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