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Forefront – Research Excellence Programme (KKP_22), funded projects
Forefront (KKP_22), funded projects
12 September 2022
Modified: 12 September 2022
Reading time: 4 minute(s)
Ten research team leaders have been awarded a total of HUF 3 billion in funding, HUF 270 to 320 million each, under the Forefront – Research Excellence Programme launched on 1 March 2022, managed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office. The research funding will enable the applicants to carry out a world-class research project in Hungary over the next five years, which will help it to participate successfully in the European Research Council (ERC) research funding programmes.

As in previous years, one of the selection criteria for the call was that the team leaders should have at least one previous successful international project. The programme received 19 admissible proposals with a funding demand of more than HUF 6.2 billion. 47.4% (9) of the proposals focused on life sciences, 26.3% (5) on environmental sciences, 3 on humanities and social sciences and 2 on medical and biological sciences.

The funding decision was based on the assessment of an evaluation panel appointed by the NRDI Office and on the applicants’ personal project presentations. The evaluation panel examined the proposals against the selection criteria of the call and invited all 19 applicants to present their project proposals in a personal interview. Following the presentations, the evaluation panel ranked the proposals and recommended 10 proposals for funding to the minister responsible for science policy coordination.

Based on this recommendation, the deputy state secretary for innovation, acting on the instructions of the minister responsible for science policy coordination, has decided to support the following 10 outstanding research proposals with a total amount of HUF 3 billion:


Funding organisation: Ministry of Culture and Innovation
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 30 August 2022

Evaluation panel
Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period
Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 143986 Krisztián Vida: Living with an active star - the impace of stellar activity on exoplanetary habitability (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences) 60 310 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144059 Balázs Bárány: Fractal Geometry and applications (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 60 310 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144068 Péter Török: Three levels of biodiversity insurance: Species dispersal, -establishment and -assembly (University of Debrecen) 60 310 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144095 István Szilágyi: Nanozyme composites: the next generation of multifunctional biocatalysts (University of Szeged) 60 320 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144096 Orsolya Emőke Deák-Valkó: Grassland restoration based on nature-based solutions in agricultural landscapes: drivers at micro- and macro-scales (Centre for Ecological Research) 60 310 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144148 András Némethi: Lattice cohomology of singularity links (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) 60 293 564
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144180 Tamás Beke-Somfai: Functional control of supramolecular peptide systems (Research Center of Natural Sciences) 60 320 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144193 Miklós Koren: The Market for Managers (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) 60 280 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144199 László Csanády: Molecular mechanisms of disease-associated ion channels (Semmelweis University) 60 270 000
'Forefront' Research Excellence Programme 144209 Enikő Katalin Magyari: The Domino Effect: Tracking changes in climate, environment and subsistence economy at the collapse of Neolithic lifestyle in Eastern-Central and South-East Europe (DOMINO-CLIMATE) (Eötvös Loránd University) 60 270 881
Updated: 12 September 2022
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