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2019 Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix awarded
30 June 2020
Modified: 17 July 2020
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The global reputation of Hungarian science is good, but this cannot always be said about the utilisation of its results – József Bódis, state secretary for higher education, innovation and vocational training of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM) pointed out at the awards ceremony of the 28th Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix this Tuesday in Budapest.

The Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix of 2019 was awarded to 3DHISTECH Kft. for its Pannoramic product line use in digital pathology diagnostics.

Founded by the Hungarian Association for Innovation (MISZ) in 1992, the prize is awarded every year to Hungarian companies that implemented a significant innovation in the previous year and achieved outstanding benefits as a result.

In his opening speech, József Bódis recalled that the innovation awards ceremony was going to take place in the Parliament Building, as in the previous years, but it was prevented by the coronavirus pandemic.

He underlined: Hungary must move up in the international innovation ranking, so the government has established a system that makes it easier for basic research staff to utilise innovation results.

After setting up the National Science Policy Council, in May the government approved the sectoral strategy documents submitted by the ITM and the HUF 145 billion RDI strategy of the National Research, Development and Innovation (NRDI) Fund received the green light – József Bódis said, adding that nearly 40% of this budget (HUF 62 billion) will be disbursed to researchers this year.

János Pakucs, honorary chairman of MISZ pointed out that the Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix is the greatest recognition that institutions and businesses can receive today in Hungary.

The award was established for the purpose of recognizing innovation performance that can bring benefits to the economy and the business sector – János Pakucs said, adding that several ministries and institutions have created similar prizes to award further significant innovations.

Zoltán Birkner, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation (NRDI) Office said that the NRDI Office established a new innovation prize last year titled “From basic research to market” which was also awarded on Tuesday together with the Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix and the innovation prize of the ITM.

3DHISTECH Kft. received the Innovation Grand Prix for the ground-breaking, paradigm-changing methods and innovations used in their Pannoramic product line enabling optical microscopy-based diagnostics in pathological histology. The Pannoramic digital pathology product line received CE IVD certificate in 2019, and found its customers in nearly 50 places in Hungary and abroad, generating a HUF 3 billion revenue growth in 2019 for 3DHISTECH Kft.

The 2019 Industry Innovation Award of ITM went to BorsodChem Zrt for the complex development of the production process of MDI polyurethane raw materials.

The 2019 IT Innovation Award of the ITM was received by Oncompass Medicine Hungary Kft for the Oncompass precision oncology decision-support procedure.

The NRDI Office’s From Basic Research to Market Innovation Prize was awarded to Femtonics Kutató és Fejlesztő Kft for the world-class Hungarian microscope enabling cutting-edge neuroscience research.

According to previous information from MISZ, the panel of the Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix selected the winner of the main prize from 46 candidates and awarded seven more innovation prizes, four of which will be handed over later.

The 2019 Agricultural Innovation Award of the Ministry of Agriculture went to Veresi Paradicsom Kft for its winter hydroponic growing system using artificial lighting, and the 2019 Environment Innovation Award of the Ministry was received by ThalesNano Energy Zrt for developing the H-GenieR high-pressure laboratory hydrogen generator.

The Innovation Prize of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office was awarded to the Agricultural Institute of the Agricultural Research Centre for the new members of the CSALOMONR product line, and the Startup Innovation Prize of Valor Hungariae Zrt and the Hungarian Association for Innovation was granted to Fitpuli Kft for the Fitpuli science-based digital workplace health program.


2019 Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix awarded - 30 June 2020
The Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix of 2019 was awarded to 3DHISTECH Kft. for its Pannoramic product line use in digital pathology diagnostics.
Updated: 17 July 2020
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