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János Csák: Hungary to increase research, development andinnovation spending from 1.6% to 3% by 2030
13 June 2022
Modified: 15 June 2022
Reading time: 4 minute(s)
Budapest, Monday, 13 June 2022 (MTI) - Hungary will increase its research, development and innovation spending from the current 1.6 percent of GDP to 3 percent by 2030, Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák said at the awards ceremony of the 31st National Youth Science and Innovation Contest in Budapest on Monday.
Csák János - Fotó: MTI

János Csák

Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák at the awards ceremony of the 31st National Youth Science and Innovation Contest in Budapest.
Photo: MTI

He stressed that the civic Hungarian government is aware that one of the keys to the country’s future is a culture of innovation and innovation in culture.

At the awards ceremony of the 31st National Youth Science and Innovation Contest of the Hungarian Association for Innovation (MISZ), the outstanding papers were also presented. The panel awarded 3 first, 3 second and 4 third prizes, 12 papers received high commendations and 27 others were commended.

The minister also said that innovation requires curiosity, creativity, beneficial risk-taking and collaboration, and pointed out that around half of the winners of the contest submitted work in groups.

János Csák praised the work of those working in the field of science and innovation, and thanked the teachers and parents who prepared the students.

János Pakucs, Honorary President of the MISZ, stressed that the association is looking for creative young people, and the theme of innovation is determined by the participants themselves.

László Kollár, Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which hosted the event, drew attention to the Academy’s programme for secondary school students, which promotes scientific thinking.

László Jakab, professor of BME, chairman of the panel, assessed the entries as of high quality and said that the contest is also a national selection round, where Hungarian young people to compete in international youth science and innovation competitions are chosen.

László György, Secretary of State for Innovation, emphasised the role of teachers and institutions in building communities and developing knowledge assets in the context of the awards for the most innovative secondary schools and the most successful teachers.

Gábor Szabó, President of MISZ, drew the attention of young people to the importance of protecting intellectual property, the need to learn and perseverance.

The first prizes at the 31st National Youth Science and Innovation Contest were awarded to Viktória Kovács and Regina Tóth, students of the Radnóti Miklós Experimental High School in Szeged for the development of a new cancer diagnostic tool, and László Benedek Barna, a student of Szent István High School in Budapest, for his research in physiology and pharmacology, and the robot named Rusty by Anna Nóra Kovács from János Zsigmond Unitarian College in Cluj-Napoca, won the Best Young Cross-border Candidate scholarship of the Hungarian Association for Innovation. The first-place winners will represent Hungary at the 33rd EU Contest for Young Scientists European Final in Leiden, 13-18 September 2022.

According to the Hungarian Association for Innovation, 122 proposals were received for the 31st National Youth Science and Innovation Contest, 10 of which were submitted by young Hungarians from outside Hungary. The jury admitted and recommended for further elaboration 63 proposals. of which 53 were completed by deadline.

The European Union has been organising the Contest for Young Scientists since 1988 to promote collaboration between young scientists aged 14-20 and to contribute to the development of promising young talent. With the organisation of the 1st National Youth Science and Innovation Contest in 1991/92, Hungary had the opportunity to be the first country in Central Europe to join the EU’s series of competitions.


Updated: 15 June 2022
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