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Nearly HUF 3.5 billion to support researcher recruitment in the new academic year
16 May 2023
Modified: 17 May 2023
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
Nearly HUF 3.5 billion can be awarded to around 2,000 winners in the 2023 calls of the New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP). Since 2016, the programme has provided altogether HUF 26 billion in grant funding to around 13,000 students and young researchers to achieve their goals.

The calls for the 2023/2024 academic year are open to undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, postdoctors, and young lecturers and researchers. The six funding categories cover all early career stages of researchers. Depending on the funding category, the amount of net monthly grant ranges from HUF 100,000 to 200,000 disbursed to the awardees over 5 to 12 months, while the participating higher education institutions will receive support for operating and research costs proportionate to their awardees. Applicants who are successful in their research and creative work may submit their application to their home institution.

“The Government’s priority is to support young Hungarian researchers, as the primary goal of the Neumann János Programme is to link research centres with academia and the economy, and to achieve this we need more research and development staff”, stressed Balázs Hankó, State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education. He added that this figure has already doubled compared to 2010, with 6,000 R&D staff per million inhabitants now, but they want to increase the number to 9,000 by 2030. Doubling the number of Hungarian patents is essential to achieve this goal. The ÚNKP is an excellent opportunity to support young talent and encourage their research activities, he added.

Applications can only be submitted electronically, with a deadline of 15 June 2023 for most funding schemes. Details are available on the official ÚNKP website.


Updated: 17 May 2023
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