Decision on a funding worth about EUR 15 billion will be made in the first two years of Hori-zon Europe, focusing primarily on the challenges posed by digital and green transition, health, security, climate change, energy, transport, sustainable agriculture, as well as on building re-search careers, research infrastructures and innovation ecosystems. There are currently around 350 calls for proposals open to all interested parties, with nearly 100 more to be launched soon.
During the previous seven-year cycle, Hungarian organisations received around EUR 367 mil-lion in Horizon 2020 funding through 1,479 successful applications, but this represents only 0.6% of the total budget of the programme. “The common goal is to multiply this performance and that, by 2027, Hungary’s share of EU RDI funds directly available for application reaches 2.18%, proportional to the population. Hungarian applicants have the capacity to participate, and we will help them with all available means to have a better chance to compete for Horizon Europe funding in the face of strong competi-tion.” – Dr Zoltán Birkner, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office said. He added that the Office’s strengthened toolbox includes the provision of up-to-date news and information, the organisation of thematic events, free personalised advice on calls and project proposals, the sharing of experience among applicants and evaluators, and the launch of nationally-funded booster calls. All this knowledge, fully collected and constantly updated, is available first-hand on the new portal.