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Project proposals that have received endorsing RDI policy opinions for participating in the call GINOP-2.3.1-20 ‘Strengthening the capacities of regional researchinstitutions’
RDI policy opinions - GINOP-2.3.1-20
30 June 2020
Modified: 30 June 2020
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The call supports the development of the R&D infrastructure, which is quickly outdated due to the rapid advances in technology, in order to preserve and reinforce the international competitiveness of domestic research networks and higher education research centres, and to ensure outstanding research results. The call is closely linked to the measure aimed at upgrading research and knowledge-dissemination organisations to international standards, strengthening the research infrastructure that lags behind the more advanced countries of the European Union with a focus on excellence, and creating the necessary background.

Research centres can apply for funding ranging from HUF 400 million up to HUF 4 billion. Only those projects are eligible that have obtained an endorsing RDI policy opinion from the NRDI Office.

So far, six project proposals (requesting HUF 14 billion in funding in total) have been assessed from an RDI policy perspective. The proposals were first peer reviewed and then assessed by an expert panel against the assessment criteria set out in the call. The panel has proposed to the President of the NRDI Office to issue an endorsing RDI policy opinion for two project proposals with a total funding request of around HUF 4.8 billion. The applicants of the so endorsed project proposals can submit their request for funding to the Managing Authority.

Requesting entity
Title of project proposal
Amount of non-refundable support requested

1 Debreceni Egyetem Pilot kutatólaboratórium létrehozása a Debreceni Egyetemen 3 999 999 999
2 Pécsi Tudományegyetem A Pécsi Tudományegyetem genomikai és bioinformatikai kutatóintézeti kapacitásainak megerősítése 800 000 000
Updated: 30 June 2020
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