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Projects funded under the “Call for industrial research and development projects in Hungarian-Israeli cooperation” (2019-2.1.10-TÉT-IL)
06 December 2019
Modified: 06 December 2019
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
A decision has been adopted on providing domestic funding to projects implemented in Hungarian–Israeli cooperation in the framework of international science and technology (S&T) cooperation calls. The calls financed from the National Development, Research and Innovation Fund promote the mobility of participants of research projects implemented in bilateral S&T cooperation in the given relation and increasingly facilitate larger project-based cooperation.

To the 2018-2.1.16-TÉT-IL call 12 proposals were submitted by the deadline, with funding request of approx. HUF 1 837,6 million. Out of them 12 were found to be in line with the formal requirements and suitable for qualitative assessment. The proposals were assessed and ranked by a designated expert group. On motion of the bilateral joint committee, the Innovation Board recommended one proposal to the President of the NRDI Office for funding.

Accordingly, one project submitted by a university-industry consortium and one company receives over HUF 291 million in non-refundable funding from the NRDI Fund. 


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 25 November 2019

Project code
Name of applicant
Project title
Site of implementation

Amount of awarded funds

Total eligible project costs (HUF)
2019-2.1.10-TÉT-IL-2019-00001 Neumann Medical Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Mesterséges intelligencia alapú strukturált szív CT leletező rendszer 1082 Budapest, Corvin sétány 3. B. 195 661 864 251 685 160
Semmelweis Egyetem
2019-2.1.10-TÉT-IL-2019-00002 ThalesNano Nanotechnológiai Kutató-Fejlesztő Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság Moduláris áramlásos kémiai reaktor és miniatürizált autonóm laboratórium fejlesztése mikrogravitációs és űrkutatási alkalmazásokra 1031 Budapest, Záhony u. 7. 95 699 291 153 691 658
Updated: 06 December 2019
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