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National support for Horizon 2020 SME Instrument applications (KKV_15), 7th round
National support for Horizon 2020 SME Instrument applications (KKV_15), 7th round
07 September 2017
Modified: 21 August 2018
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The call aims to support micro, small and medium enterprises which were positively assessed by the international expert panel but were finally not selected for funding in the first stage of the EU H2020 SME Instrument call due to lack of funds.

The non-refundable funding of the call financed from the NRDI Fund may be used for preparing the business plan and feasibility study for the product idea which can contribute to the successful participation in the second stage of the H2020 call.

In the seventh assessment round, between 17 March and 15 June 2017, six proposals were submitted with a total funding request of HUF 24 million. Five of these met the formal requirements and were considered suitable for professional assessment. The assessment was performed by an international panel of experts against the international assessment criteria of the given programme. Subsequently, the Innovation Board recommended all five proposals for funding to the President of the NRDI Office based on the assessment results and the ranking.

Previously, in the 1st and 2nd round 9 projects received nearly HUF 35.6 million, in the 3rd round 4 projects received HUF 16 million, in the 4th round 1 project received nearly HUF 4 million, in the 5th round 2 projects received HUF 8 million, and in the 6th round 2 projects also received HUF 8 million in funding.

Together with the award decision of the 7th round, 36% of the budget of the KKV_15 call has been disbursed, so HUF 64 million is still available.


Funding organisation: NRDI Office
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 24 August 2017

Project code
Name of applicant(s)
Project title
Amount of awarded funds

Total eligible project costs

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3 987 875
3 987 875
KKV_15-1-2017-0008 Kft. 
Glacces - Beszélt nyelv valós idejű jeltolmácsolása
3 976 823
3 976 823
Labmagister Kft. 
ProMastit - A tejtermelő tehenek tőgygyulladásáról adódó gazdasági veszteségek csökkentése új típusú védőoldással
3 981 862
3 981 862
TACMON Szenzor és Aktuátor Technológiai Kft. 
TPad: A vakok és gyengénlátók a munka és az oktatás világába történő jobb beilleszkedését segítő, kedvező árú, nagy méretű taktilis kijelző kifejlesztése. Rásegítő pályázat.
3 998 820
3 998 820
Kinepict Health Kft. 
Új fluoroszkópiás és angiográfiás képalkotó eljárást alkalmazó szoftver gazdasági hasznosítása
4 000 000
4 000 000

Updated: 21 August 2018
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