The “Funding for the export oriented R&D activities of domestic businesses” (EXPORT_17) call aims to promote the RDI activities of domestic businesses in order to boost their in-house product, technology and service development activity with the expected result of developing new exportable products, services and technologies. Projects are required to produce quickly marketable products, services or technologies with real innovative elements as a result of the scientific or development achievements of the project, and thus increase the share of modern, competitive products and services with high added value in the export portfolio of the business in a financially sustainable way. 13 proposals were submitted to the call and were assessed against the formal criteria set out in the call. The formally eligible proposals were first assessed and reviewed by anonymous peers against the professional criteria set out in the call, in line with Act LXXVI of 2014 on scientific research, development and innovation. After summarising the reviews, the members of the designated expert group assessed and ranked the proposals against the criteria set out in the call. On the basis of the assessment and the ranking the Innovation Board recommended 4 proposals for rejection and 9 proposals for funding covering 48.27% of the total budget of the call.
FUNDED PROJECTS 2017Funding organisation: NRDI Office