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Hungarian Association for Innovation: world-class achievements with substantial benefits recognised at the Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix
Publication date: 30 March 2021
Hungary is now on the startup world map
Publication date: 10 March 2021
Join the university startup program as a mentor
Publication date: 28 February 2021
Exclusive interview with Krisztián Kölkedi, Head of Department at the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary
Publication date: 04 February 2021
Horizon Europe on the horizon: a series of webinars helps Hungarian applicants get prepared
Publication date: 03 February 2021
New institutional collaboration to boost market access for businesses
Publication date: 02 February 2021
New domestic call supports Hungarian participation in EIT KIC activities with HUF 500 million
Publication date: 01 February 2021
One hundred extra points for the top three performers of the innovation contest at university admissions
Publication date: 17 January 2021
Tamás Schanda: Further substantial support for science. Researchers have access tonearly HUF 13 billion
Publication date: 13 January 2021
Relaxed public procurement rules to facilitate the utilisation of research, developmentand innovation funds
Publication date: 11 January 2021
The Hungarian Association for Innovation was established thirty years ago by thirty organisations
Publication date: 05 January 2021
Palkovics: 246 proposals funded in the Cooperative Doctoral Programme
Publication date: 14 December 2020
ITM: over HUF 59 billion in funding for innovation projects targeting the market
Publication date: 03 December 2020
Further HUF 20 billion funding available for innovation by Hungarian companies
Publication date: 13 October 2020
Palkovics: new centre of competence and science park receive green light in Nagykanizsa
Publication date: 11 September 2020
Hungarian SMEs can apply for substantial EU funds with the support of experienced mentors
Publication date: 29 July 2020
More money is coming formarket-driven innovations in September. Small companies should also keep an eyeout
Publication date: 22 July 2020
Budget doubled for Covidea idea and startup contest
Publication date: 04 July 2020
2019 Hungarian Innovation Grand Prix awarded
Publication date: 30 June 2020