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Funded projects: Hungarian–Austrian Lead Agency cooperation
Hungarian–Austrian funded projects (ANN_20)
04 September 2020
Modified: 26 October 2020
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
In the framework of the Lead Agency agreement concluded on 10 April 2012 between the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), and continued by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office as the legal successor of OTKA, this year Hungarian–Austrian research groups had the opportunity to get funding for joint basic research projects under the Call for thematic research projects implemented in international Hungarian–Austrian or Hungarian–Slovenian cooperation (ANN_20, SNN_20).

The proposals are submitted and assessed in accordance with the Lead Agency principle: if the amount requested by the Hungarian partner exceeds the amount requested by the Austrian partner, the assessment is carried out by the NRDI Office. If, however, the foreign partner requests more funding, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) receives and evaluates the joint project proposal. Any funding from the NRDI Fund is subject to the decision of the minister for science policy coordination (hereinafter: “Sponsor”), so even if a Hungarian partner is assessed positively by FWF, the approval of the Sponsor is still needed for the joint project to be funded.

Based on the proposal by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as evaluating Lead Agency and the decision of the Hungarian Sponsor dated 25 August 2020, two thematic research projects implemented in Hungarian–Austrian cooperation (ANN_20) have been selected for funding.

The results of the other research projects implemented in Hungarian–Austrian cooperation, that are assessed by the NRDI Office, is expected to be announced later, following the decision of the Austrian co-financing partner organisation.


Funding organisation: Ministry for Innovation and Technology
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 25 August 2020

Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period
Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)
135082 Tibor Erős: Functioning of vertebrate metacommunities in dynamic riverine landscapes: an innovative approach using eDNA metabarcoding (Centre for Ecological Research) 48 47 903
135606 Gábor Rétvári: Dependable Dataplane for the Cloud (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) 48 48 000

Based on the proposal by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as evaluating Lead Agency and the decision of the Hungarian Sponsor dated 14 October 2020, one thematic research project implemented in Hungarian–Austrian cooperation (ANN_20) has been selected for funding.


Funding organisation: Ministry for Innovation and Technology
Source: NRDI Fund
Date of decision: 14 October 2020

Project code
Principal investigator/Project title/Research organisation
Project period
Amount of awarded funds
(in HUF thousands)
136027 Nagy István: A gyulladásos hő hiperalgézia kialkulása: a mitogén és stressz aktivált kináz 1 szerepe az elsődleges érző idegsejtekeben (Debreceni Egyetem) 48 47 998

The results of the other research projects implemented in Hungarian–Austrian cooperation, that are assessed by the NRDI Office:
Winners of the thematic research project proposals based on Hungarian–Austrian or Hungarian–Slovenian international cooperation (ANN_20, SNN_20)

Updated: 26 October 2020
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