H-1011 Budapest, Fő u. 17.
The Embassy of France in Hungary, Institut français in Budapest, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office and the Ministry of Human Capacities are glad to announce a French-Hungarian Scientific Research Forum organised for the first time.
The event will be hosted by Institut français in Budapest, on 28 September 2018.
The programme of the event contains of two parts: a plenary session devoted to present the achievements and prospects of the French-Hungarian scientific cooperation, and two parallel sessions to present bilateral scientific collaborations in the areas of humanities and natural sciences.
Researchers participating in French-Hungarian research projects have the opportunity to deliver oral presentations or to exhibit a poster of their projects.
The scientific forum is organised on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the bilateral French-Hungarian science and technology cooperation. Objectives are to promote cooperation of the two countries in research and innovation and exploit opportunities within the Horizon 2020 European framework programme.
Participation is free of charge.
L’Ambassade de France en Hongrie, l’Institut français de Budapest, l’Office national de la recherche et de l’innovation et le Ministère hongrois des capacités humaines ont le plaisir de vous annoncer l’organisation du premier Forum franco-hongrois de la recherche scientifique.
L’événement aura lieu le 28 septembre 2018 à l’Institut français de Budapest.
La rencontre sera organisée en deux temps: une session plénière consacrée aux réussites et pistes de développement de la coopération scientifique franco-hongroise et deux ateliers seront consacrés à la coopération scientifique dans le cadre du programme bilatéral Balaton (un atelier pour les sciences de l’homme et de la société, un atelier pour les sciences naturelles).
Les chercheurs impliqués dans les projets de recherche franco-hongrois auront la possibilité de réaliser une communication orale ou une présentation par poster.
Cette rencontre scientifique s’inscrit dans le cadre du 25ème anniversaire de notre programme bilatéral Balaton et vise plus généralement à mettre en valeur les coopérations franco-hongroises en matière de recherche et d’innovation et les opportunités offertes par le programme cadre européen « Horizon 2020 ».
Participation gratuite.
The aim of founding the EDUCATIO International Education Exhibition was to answer all the questions regarding higher education. Its goal is to connect each and every participant of education (i.e. national and international institutions of higher education, course book publishers, language schools, and vocational training centres) with people who are interested in it (i.e., students, teachers, and parents).
1034 Budapest, Bécsi str. 96/B
The Hungarian STEM Platform Conference, hosted among the programs of the Hungarian Presidency within the European Union, will serve as a key platform for dialogue between policymakers, industry leaders, academic experts, and international STEM organizations. The conference aims to advance R&D, promote STEM/STEAM education, and foster collaboration among universities, industries, and governments (triple helix model). With the support of the EU STEM Coalition, the event will address the critical role of STEM in tackling global challenges and building a sustainable, competitive Europe.