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National Research Infrastructure Committee
National Research Infrastructure Committee
22 May 2018
Modified: 22 August 2023
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office) is assisted by the National Research Infrastructure Committee (NKIB) in the performance of its public tasks aimed at the sustainable development and international networking of domestic research infrastructures, as defined in Act LXXVI of 2014 on Scientific Research, Development and Innovation.

It participates in the development of the methodology underpinning the mapping of domestic research infrastructures (RIs), the assessment of development needs, the planning of collaborations with foreign research infrastructures and the continuous monitoring of scientific performance.

The NKIB provided professional contribution to the 2018 publication of the National Research Infrastructure Roadmap, which presents the situation of Hungarian research infrastructures and infrastructure groups, Hungary’s participation and connection to international research infrastructures, the major R&D infrastructures developed in the past period, and the aspects of monitoring and evaluation of the R&D infrastructures, to lay the foundation for further developments.

In 2019, in line with the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) scientific domains (Energy, Environment, Health and Food Science, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Social and Cultural Innovation and e-Infrastructures), the NRDI Office reorganised the NKIB, which took effect and at the end of 2022, when the mandate of the members expired.

ESFRI is a forum set up by the European Commission in 2002 as an important instrument for European scientific integration. It aims to strengthen the coherence and strategic approach of the EU’s RDI policy on RDI and to launch initiatives promoting the more efficient use of RIs. Hungary is a member of 15 of the 41 ESFRI Landmarks, last updated in 2021, and 3 of the 22 Projects presented are implemented with the participation of Hungarian researchers (ESFRI Roadmap).

Updated: 22 August 2023

Chairman of the National Research Infrastructure Committee

Physical sciences and engineering

Physicist, (nuclear astrophysics)
research fellow, Institute of Nuclear Research

Dr. Fülöp Zsolt
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