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Dr. Vera Messing
22 August 2023
Modified: 10 October 2023
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Member of the National Research Infrastructure Committee

Dr. Messing VeraSocial and cultural innovation
Director, research professor, Centre for Social Science Research, Institute of Sociology

Research interests: reliability and validity of social science methods, adaptation of survey methods to the changed social and technological environment, social inequalities, exclusion and inclusion, ethnic minorities, immigrants, public policy research (education, labour market). Vera Messing is involved in a number of international professional organisations: since 2012 she has led the Hungarian team of ESS-ERIC; she is a member of Standing Committee Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research (IMISCOE); reserve member of the Fundamental Rights Agency’s Scientific Committee and member of the European Survey Research Association, as well as a member of the public board of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the board of the Hungarian Sociological Association.

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Updated: 10 October 2023
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