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Gábor Orbán
05 July 2023
Modified: 05 July 2023
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

Member of the National Science Policy Council
Chief Executive Officer, Gedeon Richter Plc.

Orbán GáborAppointed Chief Executive Officer of Gedeon Richter Plc. as of November 1, 2017. Began his professional career as an economist for the National Bank of Hungary and the European Central Bank. He later joined Aegon Asset Management where he worked as a fund manager and the head of the fixed income desk. He served as the state secretary in charge of taxation and the financial sector at the Ministry for National Economy for two and a half years, followed by a year spent at Banque Rothschild where he worked as a consultant. He earned his MA degree at the Budapest University of Economics and studied also in the United States. Richter's Director of Corporate Strategy since September 2016, Chief Operating Officer since 2017. Member of the Company's Board of Directors from April 2017.

He is the chairman of the Foundation for National Health Care and Medical Education, maintainer of Semmelweis University from August 2021. Member of the National Science Policy Council and board member of the Stock Exchange Advisory Body. Member of the board of trustees at UNICEF Hungary.

Languages: English and French (C1), German (B2)

Updated: 05 July 2023
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