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Hungarian participation in EU decision-making
02 June 2018
Modified: 20 June 2019
Reading time: 4 minute(s)
The Government of Hungary and the Hungarian RDI community is represented by the NRDI Office in international and EU RDI organisations.

Member state operation, Competitiveness Council

Inter-ministerial committees and expert groups

During EU level decision-making the uniform Hungarian position is primarily based on the professional work of the Inter-ministerial Committee for European Coordination (EKTB) and expert groups. The committee coordinates EU affairs at government level. Its tasks include the coordination and control of the professional preparation of duties related to the country’s EU membership, and the preparation and reconciliation of negotiating positions. Most importantly, it specifies and forwards to the Permanent Representation of Hungary in Brussels the proposed negotiating positions (approved by the expert groups) in relation to debated proposals on the agenda of COREPER, the Committee of Permanent Representatives preparing the meetings of the ministerial Council of the European Union, and to the modified or debated proposals on the agenda of the Council working party. Proposed negotiating positions are achieved through inter-ministerial consultations conducted under a set rules of procedure and with due regard to the Community policy.

Council working committees and working parties

The Council’s main preparatory body is COREPER (Committee of Permanent Representatives) which works in two formations (COREPER I and II), composed of the permanent representatives of each member state or their deputies. COREPER I deals with, among other things, the matters to be addressed by the Competitiveness Council, and prepares the decisions on topics relating to international RDI cooperation (as well as on agriculture, labour, society, transport, education etc.). COREPER II prepares work in economic and financial affairs, foreign affairs, general affairs, justice and home affairs.

The primary forum of EU research and development policy is the Research Day of the Competitiveness Council where competitiveness topics are discussed at ministerial level. At expert level, the topics addressed by the Competitiveness Council are discussed by the Research Working Party and the Joint Working Party on Research and Atomic Questions. The meetings are usually attended by the science and technology attaché of the Permanent Representation who monitors the work of the working parties.

Another expert group dealing with R&D issues and providing strategic advices to the Council is the European Research Area Committee (ERAC). With its advices ERAC assists the Council, the Commission and the member states in adopting their RDI policies, contributing to the creation and development of the European Research Area (ERA) The work of ERA bodies is related to the “Innovation Union” flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 Strategy: they determine the strategic priorities and support the implementation and monitoring of these priorities (in terms of transparency, accessibility and coherence).


Rules of procedure

Government Secretariat for EU Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office

EKTB 31st Science and Research Expert Group (leader: head of department of the NRDI Office)

Consultations within the expert group

Agreement on the negotiating position

Further consultations

Submission of MS position to EKTB

Approval by EKTB

Research Working Party or Joint Working Party on Research/Atomic Questions


Competitiveness Council, research day


Order of representation in R&D forums

1) Order of representation in domestic forums and committees on European integration:

31st “Science and research” expert group
Head of the working party: Szonja Csuzdi
Nóra Jeney; Balázs István Kápli ; Dr. Kinga Lorencz
S&T attaché service (Permanent Representation in Brussels)
Dr. Eszter Lakos, S&T attaché, Brussels


2) Order of representation in EU forums:

Competitiveness Council
(research information) EC: DG Research
László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology
Joint Working Party on Research/Atomic Questions
Research Working Party
Dr. Eszter Lakos, S&T attaché, Brussels
ERAC (European Research Area Committee)
Antal Nikodémus, Head of Department at Ministry for National Economy

Contact persons:

Balázs István Kápli
Department of International Affairs


Updated: 20 June 2019
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