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Széll Kálmán Plan 2.0
Széll Kálmán Plan 2.0
25 August 2012
Modified: 22 May 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

This action plan includes

  1. the convergence programme sent to the EU and
  2. the Reform Programme 2012 of the government.

The national reform programme of Hungary in 2012 defines the mid-term and long term aims of the government and is aligned to the EU2020 documents. These aims and target areas are almost the same as they were in 2010:

  • employment
  • research-development-innovation
  • climate policy and energy efficiency
  • education
  • social integration.

Possible initiatives:

  • use all the available structural funds or if it is not possible then revise the Hungarian programmes in order to help the economic growth and competitiveness;
  • use the project bonds to build up transport and energy and ICT infrastructures and networks;
  • to extend the number of financial supports (targeting job creation) and the categories of their beneficiaries;
  • to raise the Hungarian gross R&D expenditures to 1,8% of the GDP by 2020 that is in line with the Europe 2020 objectives;
  • a single and clearly defined system for R&D&I calls for proposals for medium-term
  • help the research actors to be more effective in getting R&D and innovation fund

The changes of the target indicators concerning the Europe 2020 Strategy for the next two years – having calculated with the impacts of the measures of the National Reform Programme as well – can be estimated that the rate of research and development expenditures is expected to rise to 1.2-1.3 per cent of GDP by 2012 (from 1.16 per cent in 2010).

Updated: 22 May 2018
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