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Designing the system of competitive calls
02 June 2018
Modified: 27 June 2018
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The NRDI Office is particularly responsible for creating a stable institutional background for the governmental coordination and predictable financing of domestic RDI activities thereby ensuring the efficient and transparent utilisation of available funds. The new system eliminates the overlaps and marginality of certain fields resulting from the formerly shared competences and responsibilities of multiple institutions. Today, a single efficient and transparent organisation coordinates all areas of domestic RDI from policy-making and coordinating the use of funds to providing innovation services and organising international relations.

The NRDI Office has introduced a uniform system of competitive calls to ensure the coordinated, purpose-oriented and value-creating utilisation of European funds financed under the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme and the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme and of domestic funds financed from the NRDI Fund. The calls of the portfolio developed from RDI sources exclusively in view of strategic considerations provide funding only to proposals that meet strict assessment criteria. The calls stimulate discovery research, in-house development projects, development in researcher-industry cooperation and the exploration of innovative ideas. 

As the organisation in charge of RDI policy until June 2018, the NRDI Office is responsible for developing the funding schemes financed from different sources. This ensured the coordinated and holistic management of objectives and instruments. The portfolio of competitive calls is aligned with the requirements of the EU’s 2014–2020 programming period and also provides conscious, modern funding solutions which incorporate the lessons learnt from former, less successful forms of funding. Pursuant to the Government Decree 106/2018. (VI. 15.) on the amendment of certain Government Decrees related to development policy due to the Government being restructured, the 2nd priorities of the EDIOP/GINOP and CCHOP/VEKOP operational programmes (i.e. research, technology development and innovation) are commanded to the political responsibility of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MIT) instead of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office as from 16 June 2018.

When designing the RDI policy, it was a priority to promote the objectives of the National Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) adopted by the Government in 2014. Based on the results of broad social consultation, the S3 defines the specialisation directions and sectoral and horizontal priorities according to regional characteristics. The components of the National S3: 

  • Classification by regional characteristics: Knowledge regions; Industrial production zones; Low S&T driven regions
  • National specialisation directions: Systems science; Smart production; Sustainable society
  • Sectoral priorities: Health and well-being; Vehicle and other machine industries; Renewable energies; Food industry; Agricultural innovation
  • Horizontal priorities: ICT; Sustainable society; Viable environment   

The adoption and consistent application of the National S3 – in particular in the development of the portfolio of RDI calls – not only enables the better exploitation of Hungary’s characteristics and opportunities but was also a prerequisite for Hungary to access EU funds.

Updated: 27 June 2018
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